Nolte: Bernie Sanders Reneges on Pledge to Release Health Records – IOTW Report

Nolte: Bernie Sanders Reneges on Pledge to Release Health Records

Breitbart: A post-heart attack Bernie Sanders is now reneging on a promise he made to release his health records.

Here’s the timeline:

In September of 2019, Bernie said this about releasing his medical history: “I think it’s the right thing to do. The American people have the right know whether the person they’re going to be voting for president is healthy, and we will certainly release our medical records before the primaries. It will certainly be before the first votes are cast.”

The following month, the 78-year-old frontrunner to win the Democrat nomination for president of the United States had a full-blown heart attack.

Then, on Monday, Bernie told Chuck Todd he will not release his medical records as promised: MORE

20 Comments on Nolte: Bernie Sanders Reneges on Pledge to Release Health Records

  1. So I guess the shitshow is coming to South Carolina next. Well, we got more rain on the way so that’ll wash their collective stink outta here.

    Question: While in SC, which candidate will pander and hold a rally at the “Historically Black” church in Charleston, scene of Dylan Roof’s shooting spree? I say Biden and it’ll be epic. Epic failure that is.

  2. Pointless.

    Once DJT starts with the hard attacks and mockery he will start stumbling and floundering like Biden.

    Personally, I think the stress is what got to Joe Sniff and Polk-A-Hauntas.

  3. If he (or whoever) makes it as far as the debate against Trump, expect much manufactured chaos and distraction a day or two prior, to give the media a reason to limit the invariably embarrassing coverage.

  4. He said he would and he didn’t.

    Something his supporters should take into serious consideration, a flawed character at best.

    But try to point that out to them as they accuse conservatives of being liars – Trump in particular – and they won’t even understand you.

  5. Why would a congenital liar do anything other than lie?
    He owns THREE houses and tells you that you only need TWO pair of underwear!
    He steals, he lies, he’s corrupt, and he knows it!
    Why don’t his sycophantic ass-suckers?

    They see that he’s amassed a fortune without ever having done a lick of work, and they think he’ll do the same for them? Ffffftttttt! Pure buffoonery.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. This is a bad article. Unlike Bernie’s promise about his health records, Trump did NOT ever unequivoocably promise to release his tax returns; he indicated only that he would consider doing so when he was no longer under IRS audit.

    (Which, by the way, he eternally will be — that’s how the IRS handles extremely complex returns involving hundreds of internationally-operating companies containing millions of items the characterizations of which are not cut-and-dried and which in turn affect other items on other companies’ returns. It’s easier for everyone concerned to just work with and negotiate these up-front with the IRS.)

  7. @ geoff the aardvark…

    I think Bernie dying in the least suspicious manneris the best the DNC could hope for. The possibility of that is probably what keeps Liz Warren’s campaign going.

  8. Bernie has been good hiding he isn’t at full capacity. Using AOC and having events with bands and other draws. And of course non of the other dem candidates are going after him on health, yet.

  9. He said he would and he didn’t.
    Something his supporters should take into serious consideration, a flawed character at best.

    Bernie: “My view on health records has evolved.”

    The famous political loophole.

  10. Look. He already had one heart scare this campaign and has been operating without a brain for more than 70 years.

    There is no cure for cancer which is evident in how his popularity has metastsized.

  11. He might get away with not releasing the records of his heart attack but everyone knows how old and frail he looks. Hell, he’s got six inches of hemorrhoid dragging the ground from his left pant leg.


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