Nolte: Four White Guys Lead the Democrat Primary Race – IOTW Report

Nolte: Four White Guys Lead the Democrat Primary Race

Breitbart: According to the latest national poll of the 2020 Democrat primary race, four white guys lead the pack.

Worse still, at least for a political party consumed and obsessed with identity politics, the top two white guys, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and former Vice President Joe Biden, are old white guys. Real old white guys.

Socialist Bernie Sanders, who has jumped into the lead with 29 percent support, turns 374-years-old  next year.

Biden, who’s only a couple years younger, had a terrible week after at least seven womencame forward to accuse him of inappropriate touching, and he has now dropped to second place with 24 percent support.

This is considerable movement.

In this same poll back in February, Biden walloped Sanders 27 percent to 14 percent.

They were tied in March.

Now Sanders is up five points.

Other than his creepy behavior with women and children, something else holding Biden back might be that he has not yet announced his candidacy. But if the disaster that was last week proved anything, it was that the Biden camp is nowhere near ready for the big leagues. Biden handled everything about the scandal poorly: he was slow to respond, offered no apologies, and worst of all, he even joked about the matter.

White guy Pete Buttigieg has moved into third place with nine percent support. Although the mayor of South Bend, IN, is terrible at Christianity, the corporate media decided to give him a week-long tongue bath, which is where that boost came from.

Sliding into fourth place is the whitest guy of them all, the Fake Hispanic Beto O’Rourke, who earns just eight percent support. more

9 Comments on Nolte: Four White Guys Lead the Democrat Primary Race

  1. Not so! Carefully study their speeches and you will note that they all identify as African (or minority of choice), female, gay, poor, trans, Anti-religion, illegal, Muslim, and socialist. They cover every base but white, male, patriotic, normal or a citizen!

  2. “…top two white guys, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and former Vice President Joe Biden, are old white guys. Real old white guys.”

    …you left off RICH old White guys and (as far as we know) STRAIGHT old White guys.

    …so, it’s…”top two white guys, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and former Vice President Joe Biden, are RICH old STRAIGHT white guys. Real old white guys.”

    “Identifying” is NOT permitted IF it helps a rich old straight white guy, that’s not how this game works…

  3. “But if the disaster that was last week (creepy behavior with women and children) proved anything,” Joey doesn’t have to worry about being alone with a woman who isn’t his wife anymore.

  4. Never underestimate the ability of a democrat voter to rationalize away uncomfortable truths about their candidates. Ex. Hillary, Obama, Bill Clinton, Al Gore, John Kerry


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