Nolte: Woke Joke Police Target Comedian Dave Chappelle – IOTW Report

Nolte: Woke Joke Police Target Comedian Dave Chappelle


The joyless joke police, who want to create two separate classes of Americans, are targeting veteran comedian Dave Chappelle because he satirizes transsexuals.

Those oh-so cutting edge hipsters over at the far-left Vice are going so far as to order us to not watch Chappelle’s latest Netflix special.

“You Can Definitely Skip Dave Chappelle’s New Netflix Special” the headline reads.

“The comedian doubles down on misogyny and transphobia in both the special and the hidden bonus scene that follows,” the sub-headline explains.

Here are the details:

He says that a white woman left one of his practice sets for the special at The Punchline comedy club in San Francisco, telling him, “I’m sorry, I was raped.” Chappelle says he replied saying, “It’s not your fault you were raped. But it’s not my fault either. Ta-ta, bitch,” to which the audience laughs raucously, as though that were a real punchline. He then followed with a story about sparking an unlikely friendship with a trans woman who he says “was laughing the hardest” out of anyone at the trans jokes in his practice set. The strange story of camaraderie seemed to highlight the common accusation that Chappelle is only interested in repairing his relationship with marginalized groups if he doesn’t have to change anything about himself.

Did you catch that last part, that part about Dave Chappelle only being interested in “repairing his relationship with marginalized groups if he doesn’t have to change anything about himself.”

Whatever happened to accepting people as they are?

As far as this woman walking out and laying the fact she was raped at Chappelle’s feet, as though he is somehow complicit, as if he has to somehow answer for what happened to her… If she’s offended, walking out is the exact right thing to do. But guilting a person who had NOTHING to do with the crime is obscene, an appalling form of emotional blackmail. That kind of manipulation is not only infuriating, it’s all too common nowadays.

The far-left Daily Beast also finds some of Chappelle’s jokes “problematic:”

9 Comments on Nolte: Woke Joke Police Target Comedian Dave Chappelle

  1. I had never seen ANY of his comedy acts before today. But this article pissed me off so I watched it and it was pretty dang funny.
    Offensive as hell, dirty and ridiculous. But also honest and very real. I laughed a bunch by the end of it. (The buckshot and white meth addicts story was my favorite)

  2. He’s both right and wrong about Michael Jackson = we knew what he was but choose to look away while we listened to his music.

    The “alphabet” people need large voices in our society not cowed or checked by them. Chappelle does that.

    He joins a line of comedians who have served the public trust (from the 7 words you can’t say…to others found obscene) who exercise the first amendment.

  3. “Marginalized groups” are clearly a deep state creation to fuck average people out of their 1A rights, period. How much you wanna bet that within the decade government employees will be labeled a “marginalized group” and we’ll all lose our rights to criticize or mock them too.

    Fuck the Chinafication of our country. Fuck this shit.


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