“Non-Fungible Tokens” Driving Investment Crazy In “Authentic Originals” – IOTW Report

“Non-Fungible Tokens” Driving Investment Crazy In “Authentic Originals”


Would you pay $6.6 million to buy a 10-second animated video showing people walking past a giant, naked image of Donald Trump collapsed on the ground, and covered in graffiti? Probably not, right? Well, believe it or not, earlier this month, somebody did.

Welcome to the new craze in the bizarre, fast-moving world of blockchain technology: crypto art called “non-fungible tokens,” or NFTs. These digital, cryptographically secured collectibles can represent anything from music to art to sports memorabilia to memes. More

My iOTWbucks must be worth a fortune by now. – Dr. Tar

12 Comments on “Non-Fungible Tokens” Driving Investment Crazy In “Authentic Originals”

  1. This has nothing to do with true art or economics. The contemporary art market is just fancy money laundering and has been for decades. Crypto currency payments for digital concepts is just the next obvious step in this fraud.


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