Peggy Noonan is finally coming out. Tired of being a closed mouth lover of all things big government, she is finally admitting it.

She is our enemy, every bit as much as any clown car lunatic running for the presidency in 2020.


America in cultural catastrophe, and hard history ahead — you spend your energies on a battle not to make government significantly smaller, but to make it more helpful (my emphasis).

Ronald Reagan once said the most terrifying words are “I’m from the government and I am here to help.” It strains credulity that Noonan once wrote speeches for this great president. With no sense of irony, Noonan later goes on to describe what a “large government harnessed towards conservative ends” would look like:

…Whatever might help families form and grow.

… Teaching the lost boys of the working and middle class, black and white, how to live.

Only someone with a deep disdain for people in flyover country would engage in such thoroughly patronizing rhetoric. Like the liberals and progressives in her cocktail circuit, she sees the federal government as a key part the social fabric.

…Americans would respect the Republican Party if it gave the impression its leaders are actually noticing America and a farsighted sense of its real plight.


h/t forcibly deranged

24 Comments on NOONAN!

  1. “America in cultural catastrophe, and hard history ahead” …she’s right about that. The culture we had of freedom of choice, religion and self responsibility is being destroyed by nitwits like her. As for history, they’re rewriting that as fast as they can.

  2. I figured out Noonan was a closet progressive back in 2008 when she was caught saying vile things about Sarah Palin over an open mic. I despise this effete psuedointellectual bitch. FOAD.

  3. Maybe Peggy will like them bakery item.
    A new tasty Italian treat…
    for Barry what’s his name,
    A combination of pizza and lasagna,
    It’s been named the Pizzagna.

  4. Bolsheviks (Demonrats) and Mensheviks (Republicrats) – aren’t too many Constitutionalists running around.

    When the few Constitutionalists (supporters of limited government) raise their heads above the political parapet, they’re declaimed as “radical extremist right-wingers” which really means absolutely nothing – though it sounds “bad.”
    The Supremes have upheld every extra-Constitutional abomination since John Jay infected the Bench. There really is no one in Gov’t (and probably outside of it) who supports Freedom and Liberty.
    We were the only nation in the History of the Universe which embodied limited government – and that proved to be a chimera.
    Today we argue over HOW MUCH slavery is the proper amount – the implicit assumption being that slavery is THE natural state of existence – and people proving it every day by demanding more and more of it (by “free shit” or “protection” from their own imbecilities).
    People DEMAND that the Gov’t (all levels) treat them like retarded children – and there’s always someone willing to do that.

    “The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars / But in ourselves …”

    Affluence has become a curse.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Piggy Noonan has been irrelevant since before 2008. She a snooty progressive elitist who lives, eats and breaths the swamp. In the age of Trump she counts for not.

    How many times has she been wrong about everything?

  6. Her “wet-for-Obama-panties” have all dried up and the residual heavy crusting is chafing her severely which has lead to her complete exposure and drop of all pretense. Like it has been doing for all filthy libstains (closeted or not) in this winning age of TRUMP.

  7. Damn, I am having to use this a lot lately—>

    Cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt
    Cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt
    cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt
    Cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt

  8. Her opinion on anything means nothing to me or the people I know. Most have no idea who she would be, and those who do know of her, know she is in cahoots with the anti-Trump people.

  9. When the shit finally does hit the fan, BECAUSE of epic idiots like herself,
    I look forward to the “plat, plat, plat” noise her brainstem will make, circling that fan.

    Please, let’s just do it already before these people expire from other causes.

  10. What is it with these frigging people? Let the government raise your kids. Don’t you bother teaching them any sort of work ethic or how to adult or anything about civics or sex. Let the gubmint skoools do it for you!

    Personal responsibility is a rare thing these days.

  11. She’s so 2003. Probably finally burned her bra in 1979 and everybody was like, WTH, Peggy?

    “But the real gripe is that Bush isn’t their kind of conventional conservative. Rather, he’s a big government conservative. This isn’t a description he or other prominent conservatives willingly embrace. It makes them sound as if they aren’t conservatives at all. But they are. They simply believe in using what would normally be seen as liberal means–activist government–for conservative ends. And they’re willing to spend more and increase the size of government in the process.”–Fred Barnes, Weekly Standard, 2003

  12. Has been, no children, no husband–if her Wikipedia entry is correct. Totally unfulfilled pseudo intellectual with hipster glasses and turned up collar and pathetic loser!

  13. Ronny made your accurate quote many times from ’56 to ’88. But he was speaking as a private citizen. In the ’82 S O T U he spoke as President (the best in over 100 years IMHO) and said:… the government can never solve our problems … THE GOVERNMENT IS OUR PROBLEM!”! He paused about 15 seconds between first and 2nd statement; to get us all on the edge of the couch. Timing, along with integrity and brains, Ronny had it! All conservative heard 5×5 government is the enemy!

    5×5 for non Jarheads means “LOUD + CLEAR)

  14. “…Whatever might help families form and grow.
    … Teaching the lost boys of the working and middle class, black and white, how to live.”
    Thanks largely to government ‘help’, families are no longer cohesive and Fathers & Mothers that traditionally taught their kids “how to live” are often single or absent.
    Can anyone not lacking sanity look at the current state of the US government and think they’re good stewards of anything?
    Tyrants gotta tyrant.


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