“Normal” is the worst thing imaginable. If you recognize it as a concept, you’re a Nazi. – IOTW Report

“Normal” is the worst thing imaginable. If you recognize it as a concept, you’re a Nazi.

Gavin McInnes  has had an epiphany.

These “activists” that are smashing up cities and rioting are mentally ill perverts who are at war with normalcy because it exposes them for the miscreants they are.


Earlier this week we learned that Micah Rhodes, one of the heads of Portland’s Resistance movement, is a pedophile. He was arrested for political action but then brought into court for sexual charges totally unrelated to anarchy. He’s now facing four counts of second-degree sexual abuse. His comrades can say it’s all a lie based on Micah’s recent political status, but they likely don’t know he’s already a registered sex offender in the area, responsible for first-degree sexual abuse and sodomy. This isn’t the first time he’s anally raped a young teenage boy and girl.

His group is another one of these “antifascist” movements you see with kids wearing masks, smashing Bank of America windows, and punching “Nazis” (anyone who disagrees with them) in the face.


ht/ just the tip

18 Comments on “Normal” is the worst thing imaginable. If you recognize it as a concept, you’re a Nazi.

  1. I kind of thought the liberal meltdown would have subsided a bit by now. They are still going strong with their anarchy and idiocy. It was funny at first, now it’s just embarrassing. Send the anti-American cowards to Gitmo for a while. Plenty of room there.

  2. Mcinnes is just now figuring this out?
    What do you think the demand for gay marriage is all about? NAMBLA? Transsexualism? They’re attempting to mainstream their lifestyles at the expense of normal people in traditional relationships.

  3. Read, “Demonic”, by Ann Coulter. Mobs are inherently ‘demonic’ in everything they think, say and do. She states this most succinctly and dives deeply into the whole connection of the Left to pure evil.

  4. It figures deviants would distill out of this left wing jizz spew.
    I’m hesitant to demand these crowds be mowed down with firpower because it is probably what many of them want; I am in favor of law enforcement brooming a shit load of them into custody and unmasking them. Let CNN and other media crap-stains defend them in the public arena.

  5. A psychotherapist friend in DC who’s worked with the affluent upscale pedophile population tells me the “Pizzagate” stories are totally plausible to her.
    It’s how that subculture operates.
    She knows.

  6. Well, yeah. That’s kind of more than a little too obvious. Anyone observing the behavior of these people over a period of time will realize that they are A) attention-seekers and narcissists of all stripes, B) 99% mentally ill, but C) don’t you dare suggest they make any attempt to ‘get better’ because that’s being ableist you piece of schpit! They’re not sick, they’re “neuro-divergent” and you need to kill yourself now for suggesting they become functioning members of society, kthxbye.

    They are also very, very passionate, a group of devotees to their own indulgence, driven by religious fervor that would rival that of all the kool-aid drinkers of the 20th century. Their cult is a mishmash of leftist ideology, solipsistic nihilism, and varying degrees of sociopathy, they desire: to be Special, to be Other, to be counted ‘in’ the group/among the Right Thinkers, to be Deviant, to be Part of History, to be the Hero of Their Own Story that they KNOW they are (And You Have To Buy A Ticket), to be the Underdog, to be the Force for Social Change, to be Noticed and Accepted, to Struggle Against Authority, to be Virtuous [according to the mores of the Group].
    These drives are often contradictory; not surprising for an ideology that is built on doublethink. Not coincidentally there are some self-destructive tendencies built right in as a result.

    What we’d like to know is, does this make one mentally ill, or does it make an existing problem worse? If so, why are so many drawn to it that are already predisposed to be mentally ill? How about risk-taking behavior among these groups?

    **BTW as a former lib who always takes her meds and actually tries to be a functioning person, I really wish they’d study this, but ‘they’ are ‘this’ so that won’t ever happen. I guess it’s more important for academic types to study if frat boys are more into partying than other students or if the theme song from Jaws makes people view sharks negatively (I’m not making this up).

    @Big Papi – I vote for the scoops

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