Normalization of plus sizes feeding obesity epidemic, study shows – IOTW Report

Normalization of plus sizes feeding obesity epidemic, study shows

College Fix: The normalization of plus sizes in this age of body positivity may actually be feeding the obesity epidemic, according to a new study published in the journal Obesity.

While the “Fat is Sexy!” trend has been met with praise by many, with calls for an end to fat shaming on campus, on the cover of magazines, and all over social media, the study’s researcher warns that being overweight has health risks.

“While this type of body‐positive movement helps reduce stigmatization of larger‐sized bodies, it can potentially undermine the recognition of being overweight and its health consequences,” states the author of the study, titled “Normalization of Plus Size and the Danger of Unseen Overweight and Obesity in England.”     more


23 Comments on Normalization of plus sizes feeding obesity epidemic, study shows

  1. the study’s researcher warns that being overweight has health risks.

    So do the mental illnesses of homosexuality, transgenderism but we are forced to celebrate them….pass the Cheetos.


  2. Using the term “plus size” instead of “fat” is in itself, normalizing obesity.

    England is fat. Doughy. Pasty. Slug like, and smelling faintly of wet moldy wood.

  3. I thought it was a hoot when clothing line “Manifesta” d decidedto name sizes after flowers to appease the large. Size small? You’re a willow. Size xxl, you’re a dahlia or something.
    I wonder how many women fooled themselves into health that way.

  4. SSSSSSSSSSHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    It’s only stupid, fat LEFTISTS that buy into that “fat pride” cr*p!
    MORE CORONARIES, please!
    (think: unprotected sex for Lefty homos = more AIDS, please!)

  5. I’m fat. I don’t care to be fat. I am 6’0″ tall and weigh 220 lbs. I’m not gobby fat but am probably about 35 lbs over what a guy of my height and build should be. I’m working towards losing weight but not losing sleep over it. I guess you could say I am self aware. One notable exception being smoking. Nature created pain to educate creatures avoid destructive behavior. Without pain one might be inclined to leave their hand on a hot stove because he enjoys the smell of cooking meat. Shame and embarrassment is intellectual pain. Our society has endeavored to remove the consequence of poor decisions for too long. An example of this would be repeatedly giving narcan to people overdosing on heroin. Acknowledging people are fat, out of shape, lazy, stupid or a host of unhealthy traits may hurt their feelings but ultimately be good for them. I’m not saying go out of one’s way and be obnoxious with your opinion. There are times though when it is appropriate.

  6. Smoking is a notable exception to society’s unwillingness to pressure people to stop doing something stupid. Smoker’s, and I’m not one, are treated like lepers now days.

  7. An inscription reported to have been found written ~ 3000 years ago in an Egyptian monument:
    – We live on 25% of what we eat our physicians live on the rest –

    Then there are the expanded definitions of Parkinson’s Law (“work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion”)

    To – what ever you have will expand to fill the space available. iow – feel cramped in an 10 room house, and think life would be wonderful in a 20 room house, Nope you’ll fill it up too. It’s also why that 16Gb hard drive was soon full. [after all – least we forget- Bill Gates once said 640K of memory was more than anyone needed.]

    Think that size 16 will soon be tight, and a size 20 would cover over the most you could eat to excess, Nope, the hunt for a size 24 will soon follow.

    @OD – I’ve noticed two things about the beginning of the obesity epidemic in America. It started when the US FDA came out with their food pyramid in the late 1970s and it also started when they started hounding people to quite smoking. Seems to be an evil pairing. Stop smoking, appetite goes up, straight to a new diet recommendation that aids rapid weight gain. (they’re trying to kill you before you collect a penny of social security check they promised you would come from that SS trust fund that never really existed)

  8. You know what’s sexy? Women are sexy. We need to ridicule all those homos that won’t roll around nekkid with women. Big, fat, beautiful women. Homos shouldn’t be allowed to choose not to make the beast with two backs with anything but women. So those women can feel good about themselves.

  9. Post WWII is when the American diet was flooded with sugar, prepared (canned) meals (think Beef-a-Roni), and followed soon by industrial oils that were not considered edible like canola and corn oil.

    I remember the PBS series, I think it was called “Frontier House” where three families had to homestead for 6-9 months out in Montana or Wyoming. One of the men, an engineer from L.A., lost a ton of weight and everyone started worrying that he had cancer. Turned out he was simply wittling himself down to a the size of a 1860’s man; tiny waist, broader shoulders, sinewy arms. Though he started out looking fairly ordinary — not over-weight — he’d lost about 30 pounds and would have been considered average for that time and place in history.

    We don’t even have to get up to change the tee vee channel. Our forebears didn’t stop moving from dawn to dusk.

  10. I would guess the average American takes in 500 to 1500 more calories per day than they need.
    Think about the Billion dollar industry of drugs to help your digestive system.
    Face it, if you are sitting on the john more than once a day to, ahem, then you are taking in too much.
    If you don’t overeat you won’t need those drugs.
    You can eat McDonald’s food and lose weight…just not tons of it.

    Dr. Loco is: IN

  11. My Dr doesn’t pull any punches:
    “You need to get down to 185”
    “The fuck!? I just lost another 20 (currently @ 210 X 6′, I thought I was in decent shape!
    “You are, for San Antonio – that’s the problem.”

  12. Clothes sizes have gotten bigger. What used to be a large is now a medium. I have to get size small shirts in some brands. It is difficult to find the smaller sizes.
    My 4’11” 90 pound wife has even rougher time finding clothes.


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