So, in the “Latin” iteration of All in the Family, will Lear be having his actors saying racist and bigoted stuff like, spear chucker, spade, dago, wop, honky, cracker, spic and dumb pollock? Will his Spanish Archie be his personal proxy in order to say racist stuff, like Original Archie was?
In order for Archie to have “rung true” the writer would had to have been aware of the stereotypes, yet the left claims to be “color blind” and above that sort of thing. They should have been does-in-the-woods and not even known how to write for Archie. But they weren’t, were they? They were real good at it.
Lear has the brass nuts to say to the Hollywood Reporter,
“I thought of him (Archie) as lovable; he was not so much a bigot as he was afraid of tomorrow,” he says of the character, “but it would have to take another form now and it might not be acceptable because I don’t find the Tea Party-thinking lovable.”
What’s this “TEA Party thinking” that is less lovable? Less taxes, smaller government, stronger military, all guided by the constitution? That’s less lovable? Maybe as a group we should call black people jigaboos. Then maybe Lear would like us more.
I always wondered what compelled Lear to make Archie a republican. He lived in Queens and he worked on the docks and was a staunch union guy. Statistically, he was far more likely to have been a democrat.
Conversely, George Jefferson, the black guy, is a successful businessman who owns a string of Dry Cleaners, lives in a deluxe apartment in the sky, has a son who would be rejected by the black community for not being black enough, and Lear makes him the democrat.
It’s backwards. Conveniently.
Lear adds,
“I have enough confidence in the American people to believe that [Donald] Trump is the middle finger of their right hand. He is [the right’s] f— you to all the clowns and the establishment generally because [they believe] the leadership of the country is at an all-time low. It’s their way of saying, ‘If you give us that kind of leadership, take this.’ But I don’t think it’s going to take him all the way, and I think they’ll retract that finger. They have to.”
What would Archie the Lovable do?
HT/ Just the Tip
You forgot Ninney Mow Mow. My favorite.
Lovable Archie would have given the raspberry, said “aww geez Edith, and the flushed the toilet…
bunker a bigot?
since when?
that’s news to me.
I always thought of him as a man who spoke the truth.
two of his best friends was a black man and his son who lived next door.
funny that the part was written by a flaming liberal ass.
Fur, I would give your eye teeth if I could hear you tell Lear the stark truth you wrote about about the characters and Archie and George Jefferson. If I had to guess, he’d be stuck for quite a few seconds before blathering some commie tripe.
And speaking of commies, Archie was against them, quite unlike Lear and his ilk.
As the saying goes, “No fool like an old fool.”
Would someone create a sitcom that would present the most hoary stereotypes of jewish individuals as something funny? Then let Norman Lear express outrage and refute his argument by saying that it is only what he did to the Gentiles.
Old liberals never die, they just get more annoying.
Why is it that the left are stuck in the 60’s?
I thought it had already been done with Speedy Gonzalez?
Someone tell Latino Archie that his daughters sleep with gringos because he’s always yelling “F*ck white guys!!”
Chalupa tu es muy loco