North Carolina dad ‘tackled’ suspected home intruder in daughter’s room – IOTW Report

North Carolina dad ‘tackled’ suspected home intruder in daughter’s room


North Carolina dad “tackled” and held down a suspect home invader at gunpoint Thursday after hearing his daughter scream, investigators said.

The confrontation unfolded Thursday evening at a home in Lincolnton, N.C. – about 30 miles northwest of Charlotte – after the daughter and her mother returned home from a dentist appointment, investigators said.

The father had been lying in bed with his wife when he heard their daughter scream, Charlotte’s WBTV reported, citing investigators. He rushed to her room and reportedly saw an intruder.

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11 Comments on North Carolina dad ‘tackled’ suspected home intruder in daughter’s room

  1. Me: “Officer, I was afraid for my daughters life as I saw the intruder. I had no choice but to discharge my weapon, striking him between the eyes.”
    Officer: Nice shot.

  2. I think cleaning up the bloody mess is less trouble than the legal mumble jumble and clean up I went through in the courts. I know of an old abandoned well out in the woods that’s got room for lots of home intruders. Just saying…

  3. “Investigators said the father “tackled” the suspected home invader – later identified as 43-year-old Jason Kane Tillman – and held him at gunpoint until deputies arrived at the scene.”
    Gun is not mentioned in the headline


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