North Carolina Democrat Governor Roy Cooper Declares “State of Emergency” to Oppose School Choice Bill (VIDEO) – IOTW Report

North Carolina Democrat Governor Roy Cooper Declares “State of Emergency” to Oppose School Choice Bill (VIDEO)

Gateway Pundit

Governor Roy Cooper (D-NC) declared a “state of emergency” on Monday, aiming to prevent a school choice bill from passing the state legislature.

Senate Bill 406, also known as “Choose Your School, Choose Your Future,” is an initiative to make opportunity scholarships (also known as “vouchers”) available to families of all income levels. This would allow parents to use public school fund allocated for their children and use it to send them to a private school of their choosing.

The bill will also require public schools to allow students to graduate from high school in three years, instead of four.

“Today’s a great day for kids – and that’s what this bill is about,” said the lead sponsor of the bill, Sen. Michael Lee (R-New Hanover), at a press conference. read more

18 Comments on North Carolina Democrat Governor Roy Cooper Declares “State of Emergency” to Oppose School Choice Bill (VIDEO)

  1. I support anything that will bring down the government monopoly day prison system. That being said, vouchers maintain the THEFT of monies from some to pay for the education of others, maintain a role for government in doing the STEALING, and there has NEVER been a penny of money the government had its hands on that went to anyone WITHOUT STRINGS ATTACHED. In the end, vouchers will simply be a way for the government to DESTROY the private market with regulations and controls. They will be a way by which parasites will infest the marketplace with possibly even worse schools (yeah, hard to do), simply for the money (and it will be a TON of money). The really good schools of today will simply raise their tuition by the amount of the vouchers (if they are FORCED) to take the vouchers, or will simply not take them to remain independent. Really good new schools will not be able to compete if they do NOT take the vouchers, so even independent choices will remain out of reach of parents. Sorry, ONLY a fully competitive free market in education, including charity, business-sponsored/subsidized, home, co-op, neighborhood, online, etc. schools, combined with private, voluntarily-funded scholarships, is the ONLY MORAL way to replace the current SOCIALIST, force and violence-based system of pretend education in our nation.

  2. @mrliberty. Although I agree wholeheartedly with your argument – that government should stay out of many things including education – the money routed to public education per family will still fund public education without vouchers.

    Vouchers take money away from public education.

    But agreed, it is messed up the government has its fingers in things like education and health care.

    FCommies FBigGov

  3. So terrible for poor kids to have a choice to go to a better school, from the party that claims supporting choice, but maiming kids as young as 4 and transgendering them is OK and is encouraged.
    To be a democrat politician (or a voter) you need to be a heartless, mindless, decency opposing, sexual predators supporting creep.

  4. Isn’t that an abuse of his authority?
    He should be impeached at once – then tried, convicted, and executed.

    Wasn’t one of the (phony) charges against the J-6 victims something about “interfering with the Legislative process” or some other similar bullshit?

    Sauce for the goose …

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. “The Democrat governor argued that the bill would expand private school vouchers, potentially allowing even wealthy individuals to receive taxpayer funds for their children’s private academy tuition.”

    So, didn’t the “wealthy individuals” pay taxes? Typical democrat; the wealthy are supposed to pay the taxes, and the slackers who don’t pay are the ones who get the free stuff.

  6. I wonder where my “boy” Mark R. stands on this…..
    and not referring to him as boy acuzz he’s dark skinned. I respect the man, making him “my boy”.

  7. @Tim: you have the process exactly backwards. Politicians should be executed, convicted, tried and then impeached – in that order.

  8. 9 out of 10 people who benefit from school choice are black families. Plus, it hurts the teacher’s union. That is why white democrats hate school choice.


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