North Carolina Republicans override Dem governor’s vetoes of two election integrity bills – IOTW Report

North Carolina Republicans override Dem governor’s vetoes of two election integrity bills


North Carolina Republicans in the state legislature overrode Democratic Gov. Roy Cooper’s vetoes on two election integrity bills, passing the bills into law.

On Tuesday, the Republican-controlled North Carolina state legislature overrode Cooper’s vetoes on Senate Bills 747 and 749, The Carolina Journal reported. The House overrode the vetoes of both bills 72-44 and the Senate followed suit, 30-19.

SB 747 requires absentee ballots to be received by Election Day and bans Zuckbucks — the injection of private money into public election administration. SB 749 splits the appointments of the state Board of Elections between the state legislature majority and minority party leaders. Previously, the governor would make the appointments on the recommendations of the two largest state parties and choose his own tie-breaker. MORE

4 Comments on North Carolina Republicans override Dem governor’s vetoes of two election integrity bills

  1. One would think that both parties would want election integrity. However, the position of the Democrats is consistently “we don’t cheat, but we don’t want any statutes which may tend to prevent us from cheating.”

    I also find calling these election integrity statutes “racist” is laughable. Are blacks incapable of returning absentee ballots on time? Are blacks incapable of finding their polling places? Are black voters incapable of filling out ballots? The Democrats, supposedly the party of the oppressed minorities, are basically claiming that a significant part of their constituents are dumber than a bag of hammers.

    Registered voters of any race, nationality, creed, sex, sexual orientation, etc. are absolutely entitled to vote, and virtually everyone on this site would defend their right to do so. However, we do not want “activists,” who likely don’t give a rat’s ass about what actual voters want, gaming the system.


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