North Korea Exploits Biden’s Weakness to Restart Nuke Reactor – IOTW Report

North Korea Exploits Biden’s Weakness to Restart Nuke Reactor


Weakness is a pretty clear message and the message has been received. It was received in Iran, in China, and in North Korea.

Everything it’s been received our enemies have responded by pushing the limit to see how much they can get away with.

The Norks are no different.

North Korea’s Yongbyon nuclear reactor, thought to have been shut down since December 2018, is apparently operating again, according to the U.N. atomic agency. “Since early July, there have been indications, including the discharge of cooling water, consistent with the operations of the reactor,” said a report from the International Atomic Energy Agency. The reactor is allegedly producing plutonium for North Korea’s nuclear weapons program, according to Gary Samore of Brandeis University. 


h/t NAAC

7 Comments on North Korea Exploits Biden’s Weakness to Restart Nuke Reactor

  1. And so it begins. Beijing Beideng has proclaimed to the whole world that America is weak and run by subversives. It’s open season on your wish list of conquests, cuz we won’t/can’t stop you.

  2. Now I could be wrong but I HIGHLY SUSPECT PRESIDENT Trump called Kim and said, “Hey. Could you do me a favor? Start up your nukes again to make Biden look bad. All this pressure is gonna make him snap like a fucking rubber band.”

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