North Korea Orders All Pet Dogs Be Butchered – IOTW Report

North Korea Orders All Pet Dogs Be Butchered

UK Daily Mail

Kim Jong-un has declared that pet dogs are a symbol of capitalist ‘decadence’ and ordered that dogs in Pyongyang be rounded up – and owners are fearful that their beloved pets are being used to solve the nation’s food shortages.

Dictator Kim announced in July that owning a pet is now against the law, denouncing having a dog at home as ‘a tainted trend of bourgeois ideology’.

‘Authorities have identified households with pet dogs and are forcing them to give them up or forcefully confiscating them and putting them down’, a source told South Korea‘s Chosun Ilbo newspaper. More

35 Comments on North Korea Orders All Pet Dogs Be Butchered

  1. Imagine what a 1500 lb Black Angus looks like in the capitalistic ‘decadence’ world. I can go on a 30 minute drive and see close to 10,000 of those decadent black capitalistic bastards….

  2. It is a very small step from ordering people to wear masks in their own home and a seamless transition from telling them they cannot go fishing or plant a garden to this. Likewise telling doctors that they must do things that violate their conscience.

    Make no mistake, this is where Democrats want to take America.

  3. JD took the words right outta my mouth.
    Rest assured and beware…..only the elite will have pets or any of the many other things that even their own voters take for granted.

  4. @ TheMule AUGUST 17, 2020 AT 3:58 PM

    Absolutely, “progressives” are taking up where the puritans left off in that regard

    “Puritanism: The haunting fear that someone, somewhere, may be happy.”

    ― H.L. Mencken, A Mencken Chrestomathy

  5. flip
    AUGUST 17, 2020 AT 3:32 PM
    “There must be 50 ways to wok your dog.”

    (To the tune of “50 Ways to Leave Your Lover”)

    You just scrub off the skin, Jim
    Make a dog steak, Jake.
    You don’t need to be nice, Bryce
    Just get yourself fed.
    Snack on the mutts, guts
    You don’t need to fillet much
    Just drop on the hot, sauce
    And get yourself filled
    (Apologies to Paul Simon)

  6. Pay attention demonCRATs, this is the real future under COMMUNISM/ SOCIALISM.

    The individual is gone. You will do as, live as, work as, rest as, the elite allow. Every portion of your life is controlled.

    How long before the old, disabled, young, Or you, etc become Korean Soylent Green? Children next? You don’t own them.


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