North Korea to Expel Deserter – IOTW Report

North Korea to Expel Deserter

Just the News

North Korea on Wednesday said it will expel U.S. Pvt. Travis King, who crossed over the border into the communist country in July, according to state media.

The soldier was waiting to be sent back to the U.S. from South Korea for disciplinary proceedings when he crossed the border during a civilian tour. 

King, 23, had spent 47 days in a South Korean prison for assault and damage to a police vehicle. More

15 Comments on North Korea to Expel Deserter

  1. Biden will receive Pvt. King at the Rose Garden reception to Honor a Returning hero. “Bowe” Bergdahl, hero of Afghanistan, and Obama will attend.
    Biden awarded both the, Peace of Society medal (POS).

    Biden stated that North Korea paid $6 Billion dollars for the US to take King back, Biden was pleased to breakeven on the ransom money he gave IRAN to return 5 ISLAMIC terrorists.

    Many Biden Agency Directors and staff are scheduled to receive the “POS” medal in the future.
    FJB the original POS recipient.

  2. I wonder who he pissed off there in N. Korea? Blacks don’t like Asians, and he wasn’t any kind of trade. They could of held onto him for spare body parts….just thinking…….turn him over to China, make him disappear. We don’t want him either!

  3. There has been talk that The Norks will supply aid to the rooskies to support their invasion of Ukraine.
    Hopeully this bag of shit winds up in Ukraine walking West to clear a path through the mine fields.


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