Northam Attempts To Save His Political Life By Bribing Blacks With Taxpayer Money – IOTW Report

Northam Attempts To Save His Political Life By Bribing Blacks With Taxpayer Money


Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam, still facing calls to resign as governor a week after the revelation that his page in a medical school yearbook features a racist photograph, is now tightly focused on coming up with plans to survive.

His office has begun to explore how it might recalibrate Northam’s legislative agenda to focus closely on race and equality, sources close to the governor tell BuzzFeed News. The move would mark a brazen attempt to hang onto his office by shifting the conversation away from Northam’s admission of having once worn blackface and his denials that he is featured in the racist yearbook photo, either as the person in blackface or the person in a Klan outfit.

The centerpiece proposal is not complete in its scope or in terms of what it will seek to accomplish. But there are many possibilities being considered for a broad platform: increasing resources for affordable housing; setting new, more equitable standards in small business procurement; implementing programs that expand economic opportunity for entrepreneurs; pumping money into public services like education and transportation.

Northam doesn’t plan to hold any more press conferences any time soon. Advisers are in the midst of negotiations with major networks for a nationally televised interview they hope will humanize him. Additionally, his advisers have assigned the governor homework: He’s begun to read Alex Haley’s “Roots”, and “The Case for Reparations,” the seminal essay in The Atlantic by Ta-Nehisi Coates.


ht/ fdr in hell

30 Comments on Northam Attempts To Save His Political Life By Bribing Blacks With Taxpayer Money

  1. Tonight at dinner, Malcolm Little raised an interesting question: “If that’s not Northam in the yearbook couple, why don’t his buddies take one for da Guv and identify themselves? Clear his name, so to speak”

    Personally, I think there could be a future wife under that hood. Eleanor played Whistler’s Mother for the Ladies Grid Iron Club in 1938… anything is possible.

  2. He can’t win because there are only three possibilities:
    1. He is the black face
    2. He is the KKK hood
    3. He is Neither

    4. I was on vacation
    5. My girlfriend at the time was a black woman
    6. I interned at the NAACP
    7. Cosby was my favorite show!
    8. Dyynomite! (Ya know what I mean?)
    9. My favorite was Whitney Houston!
    Speculation is between 1 & 2 and very few on 3.

  3. All this blackface stuff is bullshit. He should be attacked and ousted because of his infanticide attitude. He’s another Kermit Gosnell, just like Andrew Cuomo of New York. Phuckem both!

  4. It’ll be pretty funny when the white guys get blackface redemption (pardon, Bob Marley), and the black guy is the only one who gets sacked. The Dems will solve that by keeping the black guy, too. Of course, he’ll have to wear a pussy hat and read Maya Angelou, or “Becoming”, or whatever he’s assigned. And dole out some cash, of course.

    Seriously. None of them are quitting. They are going to brazen this out. I heard some lefty was arguing that the party in power during a scandal like this should be allowed to stay in power, lines of succession be damned. I couldn’t believe how low they went with Kavanaugh. Now, I fully expect much lower behavior.

  5. @ Meerkat

    Maybe that’s a picture of a guy with his date at a Halloween Party. Why else would they be on his yearbook page? Just a couple of fun-loving scamps goofin’ in ol’ Dixie and sharing the spotlight with his Corvette?

    ht/ FDR

  6. @Ann Thracts,

    You should be his spokesperson! Because that is exactly how he didn’t react. Do you work in the industry? You’re good! (And I mean that seriously and with all respect).

  7. He’s a lying sack of shit.
    “Report: Northam tells staff it can’t be him in yearbook photo because his left hand is dominant”

    He’s squirming like a late term fetus, in the womb, dodging a forceps trying to cut its spinal cord. (which is something they do).
    I know that is graphic, and I’m sorry, but this horrific bastard wants to be allowed to do that on a table, while the baby is breathing.

  8. Hey, Toby. That’s a full 25-pound sack, because in all of the photos of him signing his name, he’s right-handed.

    His best bet is to STFU; his empty brain rattles loudly.

    I suggest he moonwalks out of Richmond while he still has a little pride left. Or stay and get a job at the Planned Parenthood on Hamilton Street.

  9. “Report: Northam tells staff it can’t be him in yearbook photo because his left hand is dominant”
    we’ve even got Russian bots in on this-
    I think that pic is real, and not reversed- the lapel pin is on the correct side.
    And next year he’ll raise taxes to pay for this year’s payoff. He’s pulling the old Whimpie maneuver.

  10. Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam, voters still think their votes count.
    The Virginia State Senate is considering Nintendo over XBOX for the next election taking to replace the Mattel Speak and Say method.

  11. Being governor must pay really well to cause someone to go to such great extents where you’re willing to face and live with public scorn.
    Of course, a lack of conscience would also help.
    The money and power is most important to libs.

  12. Tempest in a teapot.
    Did you see the TV “man-in-the-street” interviews? Mostly young white people pretending outrage on behalf of their black brothers – they don’t believe their black brothers have enough sense to be outraged, themselves. The PC, or SJW, sweepstakes: who can act more offended?
    Al Sharpton, the various niggrah “leadership,” along with some local “revrums” will get “walkin round” money and the whole stink is “Gone With the Wind.”

    Racism is one of the core principles of the Demonrat Partei.

    izlamo delenda est …

  13. @FDR In Hell

    Why those god-damned Republicans! That fella Ralph is fine son-of-a-bitch. Maybe he did pretend to be a negro once. Hell, everybody’s done that. At the last White House Halloween party, me and Garner dressed up as Amos & Andy. We even did a little jig. Hell, the negroes read about it next day in the papers and loved it!


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