Northam Says He Wants To Finish His Term… – IOTW Report

Northam Says He Wants To Finish His Term…

Kudos to for one of the most cutting and pithy comments I’ve heard in a long time.

20 Comments on Northam Says He Wants To Finish His Term…

  1. If you order from Amazon, they have another link in which they will donate 0.5% to the charity of your choice. Instead of, go to and sign up for your favorite charity. And change your link. If you don’t have a favorite charity, please give to mine, Solutions Health and Pregnancy Center in Shrewsbury, NJ. They fight against what Planned Parenthood does.

  2. Democrats are up to something not good. There’s a reason that picture surfaced now. Just take a look at the people who started this brouhaha: The Daily Press, The Virginian Pilot.
    —They will use this against us, somehow;
    —They will look good because they “got rid of the racist”;
    —They will demand we do the same with someone from our side;
    —They will have their lieutenant governor, who from what I read is even worse than Northam.
    I won’t play their game. Let they eat each other.


    That would be good campaign material for 2020.

    The liberal media is ALREADY trying to find a distraction to get this out of the news cycle and are not referring to him as a democrat.

  4. Shame his Mother allowed him to finish his “term”. Would have saved this from being an on-going issue now. Insert “tar and feathering useless scumbag politicians like this” in place of “late term abortion”, that I completely support.


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