Northern California Gun Store Refuses ‘Non-Essential’ Labeling, Keeps Doors Open – IOTW Report

Northern California Gun Store Refuses ‘Non-Essential’ Labeling, Keeps Doors Open

Breitbart: The Castro Valley, California, Solar Tactical gun store is refusing to be labeled non-essential and is keeping its doors open even though “shelter in place” orders have been given.

KCRA 3 reports that Alameda County Sheriff’s Sgt. Ray Kelley indicated the sheriff’s office is going to “play nice” for now but will follow with a posted “notice to close” if the gun store owners to do close up on their own.

Solar Tactical used a Facebook post to protest the Alameda County Sheriff Office’s efforts to lump them in with non-essential businesses, pointing to how “essential” the Second Amendment is to the constitution and American life. read more

13 Comments on Northern California Gun Store Refuses ‘Non-Essential’ Labeling, Keeps Doors Open

  1. A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

    Necessary = essential.

  2. I know Solar Tactical well. Owned by two brothers, one was a Ranger, the other was SOF too but can’t remember what branch. They run contractors out of there. Castro Valley LE would be well advised not to attempt any no knock warrants.

    They do love their AKs.

  3. If everyone who wants a gun already has one, then yhat store is totally nonessential. Totally. Unless Californians are shooting a lot of corona viruses and are expending all their ammo and wearing out their barrels, and I haven’t heard about that happening. If people who live in California don’t have a gun, and decided now was the time, tough luck. They should have planned ahead. Maybe even vote for politicians who won’t make them do waiting periods. If you want to make sure you have a gun when you need it, you better buy it before you need it.


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