Norway Shutting Down Entire Country – IOTW Report

Norway Shutting Down Entire Country

The Week-

If you think things have gotten bad in the United States — where St. Patrick’s Day parades have been canceled, and the NBA is suspended for the rest of the season — just wait until you hear about Norway. Starting Thursday, the small Nordic country announced “measures that will be the most extensive Norway’s population has experienced in peacetime,” and which involve practically shutting down the entire country in order to slow the spread of the new coronavirus, Norwegian Minister of Health and Care Services Bent Høie told the national broadcaster, NRK.

In addition to kindergartens, child care facilities, schools, and universities closing nationwide, and a ban on both professional and amateur sports — measures that have been taken only regionally so far in the U.S. — the entire country of Norway is also requiring all hairdressers, massage clinics, gyms, and tattoo parlors to close, Life in Norway and Swedish journalist Peter Imanuelsen report based off the announcement on NRK. Cultural events are also banned, with museums, pools, and libraries additionally closing. While grocery stores will remain open, restaurants, bars, pubs, and nightclubs are required to close if they can’t guarantee a three-foot distance between patrons. Buffets, naturally, are banned.


ht/ bubba

21 Comments on Norway Shutting Down Entire Country

  1. Huh. The standard distance between Norwegians is 5 feet….something smells lutefisky.

    Daria is the default setting of most Norwegians.

    However,I agree. Stop freaking the fudge out. All the California transplants have bought up all the toilet paper in my small town.

  2. NCAA shuts down B-Ball Tournament –
    screw all those kids that worked their lives to participate

    MLB delays Opening Day at least 2 weeks, Spring Training cancelled –

    Ohio & MD shut down all schools K-12 –
    really not a bad thing when u think about it … less indoctrination

    … but, this is getting way beyond ridiculous

  3. Sweden would notice. Jerry.Sweden is Norways Mexico. Every kid working in the Norwegian tourist industry is a Swedlinger with a really bad Norwegian accent.

    Swedes have nothing to export besides coal and bikini teams.

  4. ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ, NASCAR is going to race without any fans allowed in the stands. I know not a huge deal as they have so few anymore, but I would be pissed if I had season tickets to either of these races.

    Then there are universities all over closing up shop and going online only.

    I read that California is not allowing any events with more than 250 people and Utah recommending no events larger than 100 people, so Mormons are shutting down all services, I heard Catholics are doing the same.

    Why would you cancel Church services? Not much faith if you ask me.

    Our state hasn’t went too batshit crazy yet except some of the schools let out early for spring break and some of the youth sport leagues are cancelling. Governor locked down all nursing homes and VA care centers. So it’s certainly getting there.

  5. Went thru a basic reminder walkthru on gun safety with family last night and staged easy access to weapons and ammo if needed as things may get bat shit crazy.

    Not worried about virus but I am worried about those who lack ability to plan or for see their own safety and food as we have a larger community just south of us filled with city folks who are already beginning to scream because they don’t have access to “tests.”

  6. @Old Racist White Woman March 12, 2020 at 9:16 pm

    > I really wish someone could explain to me why the entire world is going so damn batshit crazy?

    It’s only the second week in March. There’s still no New™ “Dancing With The Vaguely Familiar Stars” line-up.

  7. @Aaron Burr March 12, 2020 at 10:01 pm

    > Swedes have nothing to export besides coal and bikini teams.

    And they’ve already mined out all the ones that don’t need banana slings.

  8. Old Racist White Woman MARCH 12, 2020 AT 9:16 PM
    I really wish someone could explain to me why the entire world is going so damn batshit crazy?

    It happens. At least once a century, sometimes more.
    1900 to 1999: Sudan, Russo-Japan, Balkans, WWI, Russian Revolution, Manchuria, Ethiopia, WWII, Chinese Revolution, Korea, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Cuba, Afghanistan I & II, Nicaragua, Peru, Argentina, Venezuela, Kuwait, Iraq, Libya … and that’s just some of the non-medical stuff!
    Looking at medical stuff, you get SARS, Swine, Avian, Ebola, Obola, Spanish, AIDS, MERS, and a host of other distempers.

    We lurch from crisis to (manufactured) crisis like a bunch of morons driven by the exigencies of politics – the socialists are taking a thorough beating DESPITE owning academia and the media: so panic is spread among the teeming masses of the unwashed.

    Been there; done that; over and over, again.
    We fall for it every time.

    izlamo delenda est …


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