Norwegian’s PSA on the Dangers Of Dust – IOTW Report

Norwegian’s PSA on the Dangers Of Dust

To alert parent’s that teddy bears can carry dust which can give your kids asthma, Norwegians came up with this pretty bizarre campaign – Hitler bears.

I’m not quite buying the connection as a concept, but

dust 2

you have to see the two other bears. The Hitler one is meh. The other two are hilarious. Click more.


Kim Jong-il

6 Comments on Norwegian’s PSA on the Dangers Of Dust

  1. I am getting the impression that when the Muslims take over it will be an improvement.
    Dust is everywhere, and collects on carpets, drapes, clothes hair….
    For some reason cleaner societies have more asthma.
    On the other hand, talking correlation/causation would likely send them crying to their safe room.

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