Not a Joke – AOC proposes a national pen pal program to bolster stamp sales – IOTW Report

Not a Joke – AOC proposes a national pen pal program to bolster stamp sales

Yes!!! I am so down with buying stamps to talk to people when I can simply email them.

HT/ Woody

26 Comments on Not a Joke – AOC proposes a national pen pal program to bolster stamp sales

  1. Who does AOC think she is, a friggin grade school teacher or something starting a pen pal program for her grade school kids. What a ultramaroon, she’s a dolt, a dumbass and a sub par retarded pitiful excuse for a congress critter. Hey, democraps want to raise the IQ of your constituents get rid of her now. She puts the dumb into the word dumbshit.

  2. Remind me why I pay for internet service and why the post office is dying??? Maybe AOC could donate her paycheck to the post-office to help them out in this time of need.

  3. I’m not for it. I want my ‘Pen Pal’ payment automatically deducted from my debit or EBT card…and who buys the pen?….What if I write in cursive?….Isn’t Uber cheaper?…..MY GOD!, what if we used the pony express and could employ more horses!….Tin cans and string could solve land fill issues AND global warming too….I’m not sure she’s thought this through….

  4. Progress, going back to letter writing instead of what email or text? And if you democrats kept criminals in.prison you’d have a group to target for your pen pal campaign.

  5. Is this a student council meeting?
    No, I don’t think we’re all “down” with this.

    Doesn’t sound very green.
    Use more trees for postcards and fossil fuels from antiquated combustion engines to drive them for delivery.
    Not to mention giving out your address to complete strangers in this day and age.
    And why would you create MORE work for an organization that is already overwhelmed as it is?

  6. She’s going to ask congress to give the usps some money to print up a lot of stamps so you can buy them and… I really can’t stand her.
    Is anyone running against her in November?

  7. Heh AOC, I have email. If I want to send anything to anyone, pay my bills, I don’t need a stamp. I pay Comcast for doing what I need to do in a split second – it doesn’t take 3-7 days to get there.

  8. And she’s the leader of the progressive wing of the the democrap party?

    Speaks volumes to the masses of brain dead useful idiots that we’re up against.

  9. I’m all for it. I’d like to get the know the Nigerian prince who is soon to make me a millionaire since I’ve given him my bank account number. Put in my two week notice this morning.

  10. If anyone says there is a Constitutional mandate for the Post Office direct them to read the Constitution. It does mention postal service, and gives the federal government authority to set up post offices and roads. And of course there is plenty of legislation to define what the USPS is to do. But there is no mandate for a federally-run post office. Sell it to Amazon already.

  11. Why not give her what she wants? Think of tens of thousands of handwritten postcards delivered to aoc that simply say “great idea dumbass!” Or “FOAD AOC”, sent to her office. Of course she isn’t worth a stamp, so maybe my idea needs refinement…

  12. AOC is such a moron it’s staggering. Sadly…the kooks in her district are going to reelect her! It’s the Democrat hallmark: reward dismal failure with reelection!


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