Not Again. Up to 15 Dead, 20+ Injured in Mass Shooting at Oregon Community College – IOTW Report

Not Again. Up to 15 Dead, 20+ Injured in Mass Shooting at Oregon Community College

via TruthRevolt—Reports are that as many as 15 students may be dead in a shooting at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, Oregon on Thursday afternoon. Fox News and CNN are both reporting over 20 injured. Local news stations put the victims at 25 injured with 15 dead. Many online reports initially put the number of fatalities at ten.

At the time of this posting it is believed that the shooter is down. Students are still on lockdown and “hiding under desks” and police are conducting a search for other potential shooters, according to the Roseburg Beacon. The situation is ongoing and developing on social media.

The Douglas County Fire District station 2 first reported it on Twitter.

Evolving story.

99 Comments on Not Again. Up to 15 Dead, 20+ Injured in Mass Shooting at Oregon Community College

  1. No, Umpqua Community College is not a gun-free zone, or at least it wasn’t in 2012. John Lott includes it in his list of colleges that do allow students to arm themselves.

    I expect this to be a big fsckin’ deal in the inevitable “news” frenzy to follow. Unfortunately.

  2. That’s a News Media hat-trick…
    Bounce both Russia and Hillary off the front page and get another chance to go on a rabid Gun Control rant.

    Bravo, now run with it boys! Run! Run like the wind!

  3. Good question. Sometimes I wonder if I’m insane to think that there is some part of the Obama administration that has control of drug dependent people, that when pressure needs to be taken off of little o, they release one to follow some pre-planed killings.

    Nah, that’s just too insane … right?

  4. “Possession, use, or threatened use of firearms (including but not limited to BB guns, air guns, water pistols, and paint guns) ammunition, explosives, dangerous chemicals, or any other objects as weapons on college property, except as expressly authorized by law or college regulations, is prohibited,” the college’s security policy states.

  5. Given that it used to be a college where students could arm themselves, and now it’s a gun free zone and kids have gotten killed, it should be a news frenzy alright. For our side.

  6. I live on the Oregon coast, and want to retire maybe in the Roseburg area, so I’ve been looking at the local news. THE NUMBERS ARE ALL OVER THE MAP! Please wait ’till the MSM smoke clears, before speculating anything.

    This really pisses me off. When are we going control the people who do this shit? I’ll be willing to bet the perp is a drug addled mental nutcase, who legally obtained the weapon(s) due to lack of government background check accountability.

    Don’t ever trust the government to do their job correctly. I don’t think I need to provide examples on this forum. Most of you all understand what I’m talking about.

  7. I sincerely hope so! I’ve been trying to get to the college’s own web site but it appears to be overloaded.

    The indirect evidence for it not being gun-free is John Lott’s listing it as such in 2012, and the search engine results for “umpqua college weapons policy” showing an appropriately titled page last updated in 2009. My thinking is if their policy was last updated before Lott’s categorization, then it may still be a place where the right to self-defense is *gasp* actually recognized.

    In general, I hope it isn’t gun-free. For purposes of agitprop only, I hope it is. Torn, I am.

  8. This type of shit is going to help Obama make this a gun free country.
    Why can’t these places hire real security. Not the mall type security.

  9. No, he won’t make this a gun-free country. He can’t. While many would comply with a confiscation law, there are a few million of us who simply will not comply.

    Of course, Barky & Co. don’t want this to be a gun-free country. They just want their cabal to have a gun monopoly.

  10. Active Shooter drills are conducted daily in all parts of the country at many different venues and events. For realistic evaluation, hospitals and EMT/Fire personnel are not made aware that they’re only drills.

    Who is to say that local or state or Federal agencies don’t also use such drills as convenient psy-ops to distract and/or promote an agenda?

    Why was the Umpqua site taken off-line immediately?
    No, it was not immediately overwhelmed with log-in requests.
    Is there a screen grab of the site prior to the first report of the shooting?

    Questions need to be asked in an era when Truth is nowhere to be found.

  11. This was posted by someone on the CBS Seattle news website:

    BREAKING: Shooter was from one of the mooslim camps in the Douglas county area.

    (Don’t know if it’s true – but the media there are not reporting any specifics about the shooter so possibly either black and/or muslim.

  12. I’d don’t like throwing in to much conjecture, BUT, he didn’t kill him self, lot’s of times they do.
    Josh Ernest has already been behind the podium calling for gun control. I hope we can start calling for Muzzie Control.

  13. Black and/or muzzie, with a gun? Oh, THAT’S going to put the Leftist Libtards minds and panties in a twist! What to do, what to do . . . .
    Meanwhile, here in the depths of gun-owning Utah, my sympathies to any and all who were shot and/or killed.
    But for the rest, I’m laughing my ass off in anticipation to see how the LL will attempt to spin this.
    And to answer your unasked request, not only NO, but F**KIN’ HELL NO, I WILL NOT GIVE UP MY GUNS.

  14. 13 confirmed dead at least 20 wounded. Shooter is dead after a shootout with the police. Being reported he is a 20 something, but it is unclear if he was even a student. Also being reported he may have picked the college as a “soft target” The collage has conducted at least two mass casualty drills with local responders over the past couple of years but nobody is ever truly prepared for something like this.

    Portland ATF, FBI, Homeland Scrutiny and every law enforcement agency in Oregon is on the scene. Nobody is sure what this was other than another atrocity.


  15. If your in a situation like that everyone run at the guy and take his gun away.
    He can’t shoot everyone. Why stand there and wait for your turn to be shot.

  16. It sure as Hell isn’t Quakers who are struck by Sudden Jihad Syndrome. Shooter name – $10 in IOTWR $ if you guess correctly. Let’s see – Mohammed, Ali, Abdul, Ahmed, Achmed, Goat Humper.
    Let’s see how long the lame stream keeps the name, ethnicity, religion of the killer out of the news.

    Prayers for the faithful departed, their families and loved one.

  17. Because they grew up in a “Zero Tolerance” to bullying, violence, etc. education system – wait like sheep till some government authority comes to rescue you
    It takes a special person to run to the sound of gunfire

  18. The mosque in Portland is on the radicalized list and has had several FBI investigations. There have been prior jihadi murders in Oregon and the press does their damndest to cover up the religion.

  19. One thing in this is very clear. The local police were on the scene within 3 minutes of the first 911 call and immediately enacted “Active Shooter Protocol”, engaged and neutralized the shooter.

    These protocols were the response to Columbine and saved lives once again. As horrible as this is, it could have been much worse had local law enforcement not been so quick to respond with force.

  20. “We’re gonna have to change our laws. And this is not something I can do by myself. If you think this is a problem, then you should expect your elected officials to reflect your views.””

  21. My Pic, is Muslim or recent convert.I said it, I don’t mind being wrong.He asked them to state their Religion eh?
    I Pray for the victims and they’re Family’s in Jesus Name ,Amen

  22. Valerie Jarrett
    “We are going to have to change our laws.” Enough is enough – @POTUS needs your help → #UCCShooting

    So says VJ on Twitter.

    I haven’t been on my Facebook lefty newsfeed. Can’t imagine what’s going on there.

  23. From our friends at

    Final September Totals
    Shot & Killed: 58
    Shot & Wounded: 303
    Total Shot: 361
    Total Homicides: 61
    2015 Stats

    September 2014
    Shot & Killed: 36
    Shot & Wounded: 211
    Total Shot: 247
    Total Homicides: 46
    2015 Stats

    Year To Date
    Shot & Killed: 348
    Shot & Wounded: 1971
    Total Shot: 2319
    Total Homicides: 396

    Chicago probably needs more gun laws….

    Oh Wait! They have a shit load of gun laws there!

    Why doesn’t anybody ask Barry about this strange anomaly?

  24. Hmm, no name yet? Perhaps this turd is one of several exotic cultures that teh won panders to?

    Federal authorities descended on Roseburg as social media rumors spread of a hate-based motive behind Thursday’s mass shooting at Umpqua Community College.

    Oregon’s top federal prosecutor said he and other government officials have heard the same rumors that the public has about the shooter issuing “some sort of race-related manifesto” before the crime. By late afternoon, there were 10 confirmed deaths.

  25. I’ve been listening mostly to local radio news all day, a lot of it has been live and minimal on details all day long. As of half an hour ago, local media is still reporting the shooter as a dead 20 year old male, and nothing else.

    These “rumors” have been going all day long since the initial report came out late this morning, quoting one woman who said the shooter was asking about religion. That has not been repeated here, even now.

    Yet the Preezy has already spoken and blamed this all on mental illness and guns, as predicted. In the absence of any fact, always go for the political line.

    Never waste a good crisis.

    Caine slew Abel with a rock. The evil was not in Caine’s rock, the evil was in his heart.

    If this maniac had chopped his way through that college with a Japanese katana would this atrocity be any more politically correct??

  26. From the NYP

    “The gunman who opened fire at an Oregon community college was forcing people to stand up and state their religion before he began blasting away at them, survivors said Thursday.
    A woman who claimed to have a grandmother inside a writing class in Snyder Hall, where a portion the massacre unfolded, described the scene in a tweet.
    “The shooter was lining people up and asking if they were Christian,” she wrote. “If they said yes, then they were shot in the head. If they said no, or didn’t answer, they were shot in the legs. My grandma just got to my house, and she was in the room. She wasn’t shot, but she is very upset.”

  27. same article: he id’d himself on line as “conservative, republican.”

    get ready for untold fallout.

    even though he described some odd musical and gaming behaviors.

    “mixed race.” apparently a hater of organized religion.

    forget all the facts and details, all you will hear is “conservative republican.” O and his lapdogs will never let this die.

  28. Not the 1st time. Years earlier, a commie went into a church to shoot them up. Same question asked. “If you’re Christian stand up”..
    A wife jolted her husband.
    “Stand up, I’d rather be married to a dead man, than a coward”.

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