Not Another Charlie Gard! – IOTW Report

Not Another Charlie Gard!

The UK’s DEADLY Socialized Medicine Death Panel threatens to pull the plug on yet ANOTHER infant as little Alfie Evan’s parents look for help from specialists in the United States.

-C. Steven Taucker

13 Comments on Not Another Charlie Gard!

  1. Why isn’t this being shouted from every pulpit, every Town Hall, every poster, every newspaper, every commercial interruption in America?

    Why aren’t those who profess to love Freedom and Liberty NOT hanging this shit around the necks of every nihilistic, totalitarian, Demonrat, Nazi, Fascist, Socialist, Obola-Care-Supporter in America?

    Where are the pretentious “Freedom of Choice” advocates?

    Life – or Death – it doesn’t get any simpler than that.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. This sort of thing is nothing new in the UK.
    Delaying approval for medical treatment long enough to result in the death of a loved one is an unexpected plot twist in the 2007 Michael Caine & Demi Moore movie Flawless.

    Death of a family member due to denied & delayed healthcare has been happening for so long and so frequently in the UK a movie about it was made a decade ago because it was a believable motive for a precisely planned massive diamond heist to punish a key player in the policy.

  3. We are not getting all the information in these cases. Under the system of medical care in the UK the parents may release the child to the state who will pay for an undetermined amount of time in cases of critical care. If the parents take this option they have no say in the child’s treatment of lack of treatment. The state will then eventually cut their costs.
    We have relatives in the UK who brought a child here for treatment of a brain tumor. The child had a treatment not available in UK with successful results and returned home. They did not have to ask permission to go as they paid all costs out of pocket.

  4. It’s a shame this is from the National Review. I read the story then noticed a video starting to play about John McCain. I watched the 1.03 minute video and it was pretty well an on the knees blow job to that left wing RINO. I used to have a subscription to the NR about 15 years ago but let it lapse because I found I could buy it on the newstand about two weeks before it arrived in the mail. It’s gotten to be just another rag that the GOP CocktailParty runs to justify the status quo. There was also a video about Rowlings apologising however the heading didn’t mention that she didn’t apologise to Trump. In addition there was 6 picture blurbs to link to NR stories. Four of them were about Trump and three of those could be described as anti-Trump. I’m amazed that these idiots describe themselves as “conservatives” yet would have been happier if Clinton had won the Presidency.

  5. Another baby being sacrificed on the altar of Communism! I am shocked! Not. I’ll bet that there are hundreds of these a year. Once in a while one bubbles to the top of the news cycle for whatever reason. Because of the Gard case, these will be publicized for a while and then…gone.

    Anywhere, since the beginning of time, that you see an evil ideology you will see the most clear and loathsome level of evil that exists – the murder of the most innocent – child sacrifice.

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