Not Exactly Inspiring Confidence Among Our Service Members – IOTW Report

Not Exactly Inspiring Confidence Among Our Service Members

While I’m sure those soldiers tasked with letting Joe Biden dine with them in Poland were instructed to be on their best behavior, quite a few couldn’t hide the looks of disgust and doubt when the soon-to-be octogenarian bit into that spiced up pizza and nearly choked. Here

14 Comments on Not Exactly Inspiring Confidence Among Our Service Members

  1. Part of my military service was under Carter, unfortunately. We badmouthed that POS every chance we got, even in front of officers. We had more latitude back in those days. Our officers didn’t like him either, so they took our critique with a grain of salt.

  2. Putin is a meglomaniac who controls a country with nuclear weapons. Biden is a demented fool who has access to nuclear codes. Putin is living in the past and has invaded a nation he believes should be in the Russian sphere of influence, and Biden is baiting him and supposedly relying on his staff to bail him out of stupid, dangerous statements. Between the two, I am more than a little concerned, and I’m rooting for COVID-19 to take them both out.


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