The thing of it is, why would a race want to claim that mass murderer?
And I think that is Harold Varner Jr. on the right. He just missed a birdie at Harbor Town that would have gotten him into a playoff.
I may be mistaken. Flag me for misinformation.
Much as the race-baiters hate to admit, there’s only ONE race – the human.
We can interbreed; we share the same genetic material; we are creatures of the same God.
Culturally and ethnologically … meh … yeah, there are differences between Englanders and New Englanders, Southerners and Damned Yankees, Westerners and Mid-Westerners – but fundamentally – we’re the same.
It’s a sad fact that the race-hustling poverty-pimps make such enormous amounts of money off the friction, hate, vituperation, and (ultimately) genocidal tendencies of mankind.
mortem tyrannis
izlamo delenda est …
I remember the first time I was presented with melanin theory as a serious subject. Nothing quite like staring raw naked lunacy square in the face if you’ve never experienced it before.
You mean one of the worlds great mass murderers was Black?
Outdone by Chynah’s revolution & Stalin?
I don’t believe it.
Totally out of character.
It’s in the Critical Race curriculum, no doubt. The white devils stole Marxism from the black man, Voodongo Imodu Lehana.
There is NO Phucking end to the limit that liberal, commie, democrats will go in order to disrupt peace and goodwill towards men.
I absolutely hate liberals.
Their sole purpose is to cancel GOD and instill Satan.
Jefferson Davis wuz a Chinaman.
^^ I thot that wuz How Long…
Nah, that’s his cousin, Sum Dum Guy.
There was Idi Amin, he was exceptionally brutal but just doesn’t have the numbers to compete with the likes of Chairman Mao.
@Tim – FJB April 17, 2022 at 7:11 pm
> We can interbreed
As can horse and donkeys. As can wolves and chihuahuas.
> we share the same genetic material
As do oysters and spiders.
> we are creatures of the same God
Judeo-Xtianity… for Easter. Isn’t that special.
“… why would a race want to claim that mass murderer?”
publicity? … (old show & commercial alert) “tonight on White World of Sports …. the Pol Pot Memorial Marathon! … brought to you by Miller Lite … the beer that made Billy Martin famous, simply because he didn’t punch that doggy”
They’re welcome TO him – take Stalin & Hitler while you’re at it!
Black Liberation Marxist ideology is demonic and turns stupid black Americans like the idiot that thinks Lenin is black, into a psychic that disassociates from reality.
How else can it be explained a person wants to be connected to a mass murderer. Totally bonkers BLM propaganda.
As the (unofficial) spokesman for black (no capital b) people in the UNIVERSE, I DECLINE this fool’s attempt to bring Comrade Lenin into “our” fold.