Not Impressed At All with Dan Bongino’s “Threats” About Knowing About Clinton Pedophilia – IOTW Report

Not Impressed At All with Dan Bongino’s “Threats” About Knowing About Clinton Pedophilia

Sorry about the double post. But, this is my take:

Bongino’s threats anger me. If this guy has information about real Clinton crimes he shouldn’t be floating them out there in teaser fashion.

He got into a Twitter war with an ex-Clinton aide and dropped hints that he “knows things.”

No hints. You have evidence of a crime, spill it.


19 Comments on Not Impressed At All with Dan Bongino’s “Threats” About Knowing About Clinton Pedophilia

  1. This guys sometimes seems to be a legend in his own mind.

    If I knew of a crime I’d report it frequently and often, especially considering how many “bully pulpits” this guy gets.

  2. Intel agents “in the know” don’t talk about it, especially on TV. So Bongino was SSAgent (prior to short stint as NYPD), he’s fairly young, so he certainly wasn’t a lifer in any LE agency.
    Re the LV shooter, he made the rounds on CNN/FOX & initially backed FBIs integrity, they wouldn’t lie to the American ppl, ‘til it was obvious they covered it up.

    I was engaged to a SSAgent, later transferred to FBI, just recently retired. Trust me. They. Don’t. Talk.

  3. Here is a link to Bongino’s podcast from yesterday:

    He explains starting at the 4:00 mark.

    Basically he says that he knows the information from entrusted reliable sources, not directly. He says that it is not his information to give out because those sources entrusted him not to because their livelihoods can be hurt if he does. You can listen for the remainder of his explanation.

    I’m not making a judgment here, just an FYI.

  4. I thought it was just me, Fur. But then again, I was suspicious mostly because I saw the story at conservative media’s own version of the National Enquirer and my default setting is to doubt the legitimacy of their (BOOM! WOW!) stories.

  5. The comments didn’t bother me. I didn’t take it that Bongino knew directly. I thought he said that “people know things”, which alluded that information is likely going to come out.

  6. Oh oh………… Barky Obuttwinkle, I’m with you on this one. I happen to like Bongino, have always found him honest. He told us what Hillary was really like, despised by her security guards for being so damn nasty, drunk and mean. I guess its you and I against the rest of the IOTW family ……. HUMMM.. something like a Thanksgiving dinner?

  7. Having served in the SS If I was on that plane I would have taken pictures and dropped the bomb on Clinton. With that said, maybe the SS Agents took part in the sex games. I have no problem with Bongino I have a problem with the SS Agents on the plane.
    Don’t forget half the SS are Democrats just like the country. Clinton hand picked who would be on the plane.

  8. Look if Bongino is reporting hearsay okay then I understand – but that stuff eventually gets old.

    But isn’t it covering up the crime itself that got Nixon taken out? Anyone who has direct knowledge of a crime must report same regardless of what non-disclosure forms one signs.

  9. 1. He must not think it’s a serious issue or he’d put the evidence out himself, come what may.

    2. If he doesn’t have direct access to the evidence, he’s just shooting his mouth off and looks like an ass.

  10. “He says that it is not his information to give out because those sources entrusted him not to because their livelihoods can be hurt if he does.”

    Then what’s the point of saying anything about it at all? This is like Geraldo’s vault…lots of hype but empty.

  11. If he has information vital to the security of the US then he should talk. Since Clinton was an ex-President he was privy to reams of classified documents and if he was screwing underage girls is ripe for blackmail. Better it get out in the open. In addition maybe it’s time the SS revisted their rules in regards to executive security and what they would be required to report on.

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