Not Participating in Anti-Gun School Walkout Gets Student Suspended – IOTW Report

Not Participating in Anti-Gun School Walkout Gets Student Suspended


A high school student in Hilliard, Ohio, didn’t want to pick sides in the contentious gun debate surrounding Wednesday’s “National Walkout,” so he stayed in class instead of joining the largely anti-gun protest or an alternative “study hall.”

Hilliard Davidson High School senior Jacob Shoemaker was then reportedly slapped with a suspension.

The student argued that divisive politics have no place in America’s schools and he refused to take sides in the debate, according to the Associated Press.

Shoemaker’s suspension citation was posted online, possibly by a friend, and the story quickly went viral.

“Student refused to follow instructions after being warned repeatedly by several administrators,” the letter said. “Student not permitted on school property.”


11 Comments on Not Participating in Anti-Gun School Walkout Gets Student Suspended

  1. The kid just got educated in reality.
    “They” won’t let you sit on
    the sidelines. You are either
    with the socialist game plan
    or you are their declared enemy
    just as much as the NRA.

  2. He’s lucky it happened at this time in his life. If the Regressives ever get their chance to grab power and consolidate, this kid ends up in a reeducation camp.

  3. Hilliard screwed up on this one. Since when did attending “grass roots” protests become mandatory. Yes, watching the lawsuit will be veddy veddy interwesting.

  4. >>>School district spokesperson Stacie Raterman said official policy prohibited school officials from leaving Shoemaker unattended in the building for “security reasons,” 10TV reported.<<<
    Wasn't it a student walk-out, not a teacher walk-out? Where were all the teachers?

  5. TW, good point. The student officially was suspended for staying in the class room & not going to the study hall room. Not for non participation in the anti-gun protest. The real reason though was for highlighting it was teacher lead protest.

    By remaining in the class room he highlighted the fact that the teachers were not in the class room & he was where they should have been & would have been were they not leading the walk out & protest.

    Any students not in their classrooms should have been the ones suspended & the teachers too with loss of pay. Not that the teacher’s union would let that happen. Educating isn’t in the top five priorities of most of them.


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