Not seeing the funny in this funny clip. More like child abuse. – IOTW Report

Not seeing the funny in this funny clip. More like child abuse.

24 Comments on Not seeing the funny in this funny clip. More like child abuse.

  1. Casual sadism is not funny, sadism in the form of child abuse even less so. I HATE pranks. Pranks are just a way for an asshole to do an asshole thing and then say, “It’s just a joke”.

  2. OT, speaking of child abuse,
    I keep coming across posts on Reddit of people looking for confirmation they are doing the right thing and of course all the idiots confirm they are doing the right thing without using a single brain cell.

    It’s a picture showing a bandage of a child who “just received their vaccines” without the knowledge of their other/full time guardian.

    These sickos have a child in their custody for a day, weekend, whatever the case away from their full time custodian out on visitation and they have it in their head that the custodian of the child is anti-vax.

    So they run out right away with the child and get them vaccinated! Like holy fucking hell, how dangerous of a game is this? This whole coof vaccine nonsense has spread to all the other vaccinations. Who’s the say the custodian of the child won’t get the kid vaccinated in the future? Now they are going to be double vaxxed because the goof that took the child for a day isn’t telling them about it.

    Who knows if these stories are entirely true, and of course I don’t know the entire circumstances, but what the hell. I can’t help but to think if I was divorced from my wife and she had rights to the kid on a weekend once a month and whisked the kid away for a secret medical procedure that I have no idea about and she has no intentions of telling me… that’s just twisted.

    Anyways, I had to share. carry on..


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