Not Sure Funny… Okay, It’s Kinda Funny – IOTW Report

Not Sure Funny… Okay, It’s Kinda Funny

The Beefeater video is funnier than the story.

18 Comments on Not Sure Funny… Okay, It’s Kinda Funny

  1. Again, most men couldn’t stand in the sun in woolen uniforms and bearskin hats, but most men aren’t hand selected Kings Guards abd such should be exceptional in most regards including physical endurance. Young men prized for their physicality should be healthy enough to endure that which topples lesser men, even if they do work for a self-centered worthless, adulterous pedophile scumbag shitstain.

  2. I got fried a while back with radiation to the throat. One of the many side effects where it killed about 90% of my Salivary Glands. I get up fast and I need a shot of water, so I totally feel for this guy. Apparently there were several more. This is really poor troop management. Someone should lose their job. The back story is this was in the middle of a heat wave.

  3. Having stood out on many a parade field while in my youth and prime, I personally, don’t find that funny.
    But that’s just me and my experiences.

  4. During band camp my junior year in high school, we had several kids pass out. One girl smacked a bass drum with her head on the way down — “BOOOOOMMmmm”.

    THAT was funny.

  5. If someone were actually thinking they would have had a big tent or ez up set up for the band to march to to play.
    Wool uniforms, bear skin hats and playing instruments you have to constantly breathe irregularly. Bad combination in 90 degree weather

  6. How did the other trombonist lose his slide? I was so distracted watching them handle the one that fell out only to notice the other player putting his instrument back together.

  7. Bigkitten
    AT 9:16 AM
    “Wait. I thought the funny part was the men running with the stretcher and then walking the guy away.”

    …this isn’t uncommon because of patient autonomy as long as they are coherent, but you will notice that the medics/corpsmen/whatever the English call them both have an arm firmly under the soldier’s armpits. This is so they can support him if he has another episode, and the fact he’s tolerating it suggests he thinks he might too. Getting up tight when walking a patient is important, because you need to be able to support their full weight all at once if they suddenly go limp as a boned fish on you. A common mistake is for people to hold a hand or an arm, but if you do that and they ragdoll on you all you’ll end up doing is dislocating or breaking something and they’ll hit the deck anyway, and may pull you down in the bargain.

    I’ve walked HS atheletes off baseball/football/soccer fields before and, male and female, they do appreciate being able to keep some pride by moving out mostly under their own power (if its safe to help them do so), and they get a happy boost when the crowd cheers as they do so.

  8. If you’ve ever been up close to these guys, you quickly realize that they are just paid musicians who, although technically serving in the military, play no other part than to wear the brightly colored costumes and put on the show that the tourists came to see.


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