53 Comments on Not Sure Millennials Will Get This Joke
lol. I even have a degree.
Call me veterinary doctor.
i get it
I’m 98.5
so did mr kimball.
if you remember that reference you’re a boomer
see, he supported farming to. eh, probably too vague.
i’ll quit now.
DH had to tell me, I’ma getting slow.
^^^^ PJ
Flat earther, but in only one plane?
Looks like a Hoyt Clagwell from here.
Have not seen one of those since hand drafting days…
When you actually had to ‘protract’ a point as a ray projecting out determining angles…
What a tool and concept THAT is?!
Note the sun image for the farmers…and other Heliocentrics.
A one horse pony?….
My hand drafting tools are in a briefcase here somewhere. I have a drawing machine and table at my mother’s house. I suppose when I liquidate her estate that will be the last I seen of it.
Where is your “Military Bearing”.
In my pocket.
If it needs to be explained, you weren’t in the MC.
@JDHasty – send them here. All of it.
My address can be obtained through @BFH@MJA.
They may be needed…in the future.
There are lots of things Millennials don’t get. When was the last time you overheard a young person say “…It’s a free country!”
We said it back when it was.
@Brad – rotate this tool from the surface, 90 degrees, and you just created the Z axis…by 180 degrees.
But you know this already…being a machinist…
X,Y, and ZEE.
Uh oh I didn’t recall what that little ruler with the rounded top is called–I’m losing it maybe
Yikes. You don’t want to go there. I’m getting the feeling this is going to be like really weird. But I am curious.
Charlie Walksonwater, it’s possible not many got the Mr. Kimball reference. Oh well, it’s was a long time ago.
Anyone else here old enough to remember when people would pick up a newspaper and say, “Of course it’s true – it’s right there in black and white”?
…guess you know all the angles, huh?
…I expect a protracted pause before a reply, but keep in mind that the line between wisdom and smugness is just a matter of degree…
I’ve used these…prefer the Percheron, but I guarantee ya I’ve run the Clydedales….
ghost of brig gen j glover
DECEMBER 22, 2020 AT 11:52 PM
“@Brad – rotate this tool from the surface, 90 degrees, and you just created the Z axis…by 180 degrees.”
…you could, but when I’m plotting robot movements its usually using Cartesian coordinates to locate in 3 dimensional space from the robot zero point, which is generally in mm and not plotted from the floor or in angles or degrees. In fact, the angular movements are generally a function of linear movement, basically the shortest distance in the shortest time that fulfills the programmed accuracy for all axes, and as such isn’t a directly programmable part of the movement at all, so I don’t find protractors particularly helpful when you go beyond 2 dimensions even though you CAN derive a third as you say…
What’s your angle BFH?
One of my Mom’s favorite riddles was What’s black and white and red all over?
I knew the word, protractor, didn’t occur it needed a space for a minute.
When she wasn’t singing Don’t Fence Me IN! I miss her corny 40’s stuff
And the Z axis of rotation is the C axis. The X Axis of rotation is the B. Etc.
Oops, X is A, Y is B
The angle of the dangle is proportionate to the mass of the ass and the heat of the meat.
Don’t be obtuse.
@Brad ~ you forgot the ‘square of the hair’ & the ‘bore of the whore’ 😉
…. or is that a factor of the tractor?
This whole thread us acutely disturbing from many angles. The obtuse comments are all a matter of degree and a sine of the times that so many have gone off on a tangent here! But don’t let my protractive comments slow you down.
Its a Case of radians to degrees.
These things fly kinda far when you fling `em sideways when your not wearing `em as hoop ear rings. Nobody knows you got ninja weapons until they’re hit by them. Even metal detectors won’t show you having these deadly weapons on you.
That’s slanted, BFH.
The one armed man knew who Mr. Kimball was. That’s why Dr. Kimball was chasing him. I’m so old I like watching reruns of Combat and old B&W episodes of Gunsmoke from the mid 50’s to early 60’s and I know who Beany & Cecil and Ruff and Ready are. . If you majored in Sociology or Social Work or some other progtard worthless degree in college all your degrees point to the left.
I’m Pro-Tractor as long as it’s International Harvester Farmall Red.
I get it. Speaking of pros and cons, how can you be anti-pasto but still be pro-volone?
And if the World was flat, cats would have knocked everything off of the edge by now.
Well, this is acute post!
(Bah-dum, Tish)
I could have used one on the farm mine were not as accurate!
Wow. I’m an engineer and I couldn’t think of the word that describes that tool. It’s been at least 30 years since I actualy spoke it. That’s how long I have been using CAD (do you know what that acronym means?).
Jimmy wins this thread!
Holy Bat Angle, Batman.
I don’t get it.
I was wondering, do we live under the slide rule of law anymore?
I still have mine from high school geometry.
When it’s 32 degrees, bring your cattle into the barn so they don’t catch cold. When it’s 85 degrees, bring in the wheat. Keep your bull 180 degrees from your cows, most of the time. When it is zero degrees, curl up in bed with your fat farm wife.
(But I do get the joke about the protractor, but it took time because I couldn’t remember the name of the thing for awhile).
Heres another one millenials wont get
Saw a true sign of the times today
Really what did it say?
Well, the sign said
“Applications now being accepted for long haired, freaky people”
CallmeLennie –
So I took off my hat and told the man,
Imagine that, me workin’ for you!
Signs, signs, everywhere signs
p.s. Can you guess that I’m not a millennial. Didn’t even have to DDG the lyrics.
lol. I even have a degree.
Call me veterinary doctor.
i get it
I’m 98.5
so did mr kimball.
if you remember that reference you’re a boomer
see, he supported farming to. eh, probably too vague.
i’ll quit now.
DH had to tell me, I’ma getting slow.
^^^^ PJ
Flat earther, but in only one plane?
Looks like a Hoyt Clagwell from here.
Have not seen one of those since hand drafting days…
When you actually had to ‘protract’ a point as a ray projecting out determining angles…
What a tool and concept THAT is?!
Note the sun image for the farmers…and other Heliocentrics.
A one horse pony?….
My hand drafting tools are in a briefcase here somewhere. I have a drawing machine and table at my mother’s house. I suppose when I liquidate her estate that will be the last I seen of it.
Where is your “Military Bearing”.
In my pocket.
If it needs to be explained, you weren’t in the MC.
@JDHasty – send them here. All of it.
My address can be obtained through @BFH@MJA.
They may be needed…in the future.
There are lots of things Millennials don’t get. When was the last time you overheard a young person say “…It’s a free country!”
We said it back when it was.
@Brad – rotate this tool from the surface, 90 degrees, and you just created the Z axis…by 180 degrees.
But you know this already…being a machinist…
X,Y, and ZEE.
Uh oh I didn’t recall what that little ruler with the rounded top is called–I’m losing it maybe
Yikes. You don’t want to go there. I’m getting the feeling this is going to be like really weird. But I am curious.
Charlie Walksonwater, it’s possible not many got the Mr. Kimball reference. Oh well, it’s was a long time ago.
Anyone else here old enough to remember when people would pick up a newspaper and say, “Of course it’s true – it’s right there in black and white”?
…guess you know all the angles, huh?
…I expect a protracted pause before a reply, but keep in mind that the line between wisdom and smugness is just a matter of degree…
I’ve used these…prefer the Percheron, but I guarantee ya I’ve run the Clydedales….
ghost of brig gen j glover
DECEMBER 22, 2020 AT 11:52 PM
“@Brad – rotate this tool from the surface, 90 degrees, and you just created the Z axis…by 180 degrees.”
…you could, but when I’m plotting robot movements its usually using Cartesian coordinates to locate in 3 dimensional space from the robot zero point, which is generally in mm and not plotted from the floor or in angles or degrees. In fact, the angular movements are generally a function of linear movement, basically the shortest distance in the shortest time that fulfills the programmed accuracy for all axes, and as such isn’t a directly programmable part of the movement at all, so I don’t find protractors particularly helpful when you go beyond 2 dimensions even though you CAN derive a third as you say…
What’s your angle BFH?
One of my Mom’s favorite riddles was What’s black and white and red all over?
I knew the word, protractor, didn’t occur it needed a space for a minute.
When she wasn’t singing Don’t Fence Me IN! I miss her corny 40’s stuff
And the Z axis of rotation is the C axis. The X Axis of rotation is the B. Etc.
Oops, X is A, Y is B
The angle of the dangle is proportionate to the mass of the ass and the heat of the meat.
Don’t be obtuse.
@Brad ~ you forgot the ‘square of the hair’ & the ‘bore of the whore’ 😉
…. or is that a factor of the tractor?
This whole thread us acutely disturbing from many angles. The obtuse comments are all a matter of degree and a sine of the times that so many have gone off on a tangent here! But don’t let my protractive comments slow you down.
Its a Case of radians to degrees.
These things fly kinda far when you fling `em sideways when your not wearing `em as hoop ear rings. Nobody knows you got ninja weapons until they’re hit by them. Even metal detectors won’t show you having these deadly weapons on you.
That’s slanted, BFH.
The one armed man knew who Mr. Kimball was. That’s why Dr. Kimball was chasing him. I’m so old I like watching reruns of Combat and old B&W episodes of Gunsmoke from the mid 50’s to early 60’s and I know who Beany & Cecil and Ruff and Ready are. . If you majored in Sociology or Social Work or some other progtard worthless degree in college all your degrees point to the left.
I’m Pro-Tractor as long as it’s International Harvester Farmall Red.
I get it. Speaking of pros and cons, how can you be anti-pasto but still be pro-volone?
And if the World was flat, cats would have knocked everything off of the edge by now.
Well, this is acute post!
(Bah-dum, Tish)
I could have used one on the farm mine were not as accurate!
Wow. I’m an engineer and I couldn’t think of the word that describes that tool. It’s been at least 30 years since I actualy spoke it. That’s how long I have been using CAD (do you know what that acronym means?).
Jimmy wins this thread!
Holy Bat Angle, Batman.
I don’t get it.
I was wondering, do we live under the slide rule of law anymore?
I still have mine from high school geometry.
When it’s 32 degrees, bring your cattle into the barn so they don’t catch cold. When it’s 85 degrees, bring in the wheat. Keep your bull 180 degrees from your cows, most of the time. When it is zero degrees, curl up in bed with your fat farm wife.
(But I do get the joke about the protractor, but it took time because I couldn’t remember the name of the thing for awhile).
Heres another one millenials wont get
Saw a true sign of the times today
Really what did it say?
Well, the sign said
“Applications now being accepted for long haired, freaky people”
CallmeLennie –
So I took off my hat and told the man,
Imagine that, me workin’ for you!
Signs, signs, everywhere signs
p.s. Can you guess that I’m not a millennial. Didn’t even have to DDG the lyrics.