Not Sure What This Ice Cream Company is Implying – IOTW Report

Not Sure What This Ice Cream Company is Implying

17 Comments on Not Sure What This Ice Cream Company is Implying

  1. There was a penguin driving through Phoenix in the middle of summer when suddenly his car started making loud noises and barely would drive. He limped it into a repair shop, where the mechanic said they’d check it out right away to find out what’s wrong. The penguin, being in the desert in the middle of summer, was obviously beside himself from the heat. He spied an ice cream shop next door and took off for it immediately, yelling “I’ll be back in a few minutes”. When he arrived at the shop he practically bathed in the vanilla ice cream, getting it all over himself while eating it to cool off. When he finally cooled off he waddled back to the auto shop and asked the mechanic what was wrong. The mechanic said “It looks like you blew a seal”. To which the penguin replied “No, it’s just ice cream”.

  2. Everything is sex. You right wingers just don’t get it. Eating has a sexual connotation, even if it’s just ice cream. The sexual imagery is even greater when you eat a big cucumber or zucchini or a nice, oval, deviled egg.

    You play tennis, it’s really sex. Go on a hike, it’s sex. Charge your electric vehicle, it’s sex. It’s everywhere so just accept it.

    You guys are a bunch of prudish church-going Hitler-loving Trump-voting Neanderthals with thick skulls and no brains.

  3. Need to know
    Which Location gives the biggest customer discount
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    Let a Hungry Traveller Know

  4. we definitely get sex, Greenlard. we invented sexy cars, motorcycles, clothing, boats … hell, even rocket ships were phallic symbols back in our day.
    we had Marilyn Monroe, Jane Mansfield, Jane Russell, Rachel Welch. beautiful full-figured women that actually had hips & boobs.
    then you all came along w/ brestless Twiggy, Goldy Hawn & the rest of the anorexic women & told us it was better.
    now your schtick is ‘fat is where it’s at’ … no, it ain’t … it ain’t. add in tats & piercings & you got the ugmo trifecta
    take this to heart! unhealthy ain’t sexy.

    now, go violate your cucumber

    btw, my interpretation is that they are referencing hand-milked the cows for the milk & cream; now enjoy it w/ your mouth … although there is sexual innuendo …. & that’s not necessarily a bad thing.


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