Not Taking Marching Orders Nor Ever Apologizing To People I Do Not Respect And Who I Consider Dumb – IOTW Report

Not Taking Marching Orders Nor Ever Apologizing To People I Do Not Respect And Who I Consider Dumb

This means I will never be apologizing to the left, and never taking their marching orders. They are stupid and not worthy of my respect or contrition. Period.

Senator John N. Kennedy of Louisiana was called upon to apologize because leftist jerks and morons accused him of racism where there was no racism – which is usually the case with leftist jerks and morons. Have I said that the left are jerks and morons?

Kennedy was the senator that said to Zuckerberg that Facebook’s “user agreement sucks.”

He told him to rewrite it in English and non- Swahili.

What is the meaning of this quip? Americans speak English, not Swahili. Therefore they cannot understand the user agreement.

Attention JERKS AND MORONS. This is not a racist statement, jerks and morons. It’s a comment about language barriers, not the people who speak the language.Kennedy could have easily said rewrite it in English, not sanskrit.

That would cause the jerks and morons to run to Google and see who could have been offended. After looking it up they would have accused Kennedy of making fun of “tech support.”

I’m thrilled that Kennedy said, “I am not apologizing,” and said it in the most dismissive way.

That’s the way they should be handled by everyone when the jerks and morons erupt.

15 Comments on Not Taking Marching Orders Nor Ever Apologizing To People I Do Not Respect And Who I Consider Dumb

  1. Eight people, or roughly one-half of CNN’s audience, pretended to be offended. This is not the outpouring of outrage that CNN claims although, come to think of it, it is a significant percentage of the folks still watching CNN.

  2. Please sir, may i have some more?
    Thank you sir, may I have another?
    Somebody says something, the SJW springs into action.
    Kennedy knows they are being an asshole, We know they are being an asshole, the asshole knows he is being an asshole.
    Why apologize to an asshole.
    Kick his hemorrhoids to the curb and keep going.

  3. This is sort of on topic. A customer I’ve had for years is looking to place a very nice order, and first presented a contract that I wouldn’t sign for several reasons. After a few days called and asked if I had given it any thought. Told them I wouldn’t sign it. So they asked me to consider their standard PO Terms and Conditions, which still had some issues I wouldn’t agree to. One, my place of business and my employees had to adhere to a strict code of conduct regarding firearms. Illegal drugs, and alcohol. I told them that, that paragraph needed to be removed and that my shop was NOT a gun free zone. They said they had to run this past their legal department. It really pisses me off when someone I’ve never met, from a few hundred miles away thinks they can impose their political correctness on what I do. I may not get this order but I’ve got some satisfaction in throwing someone a curve ball.

  4. Africa Bob,
    I’m so glad I wasn’t at that event. I’m afraid that I would have gotten up on that stage, and laughed at, and mercilessly mocked that snowflake. Hopefully make her cry. Tell her she’s not worthy to run for, or hold elected office. Maybe even assisted the officers in roughly dragging her off the stage.

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