Not the Greatest Tranny on This Tranny – IOTW Report

Not the Greatest Tranny on This Tranny

The mustachioed “girl” ran faster than all the real biological girls, but slower than his fellow boys.

A reader (who may come forward and reveal themselves in the comments) said:

I know the mom of one of the girls who ran in that race.  She said most people were horrified and many approached her to see if she was going to speak up to the judges.  She said she did not want the kind of hell that would have been brought on her daughter or their family by the SJWs and the media.  Her lesson to her daughter was life’s not fair and you need to get used to it.

36 Comments on Not the Greatest Tranny on This Tranny

  1. “I can be anything I want to be,” works really well when you can have a penis and be treated as a woman (or a man, if you feel like it).
    The mother in the video says the alternative is either suicide or drug use.
    “I’m going to kill myself if you don’t let me do what I want,” should be the more appropriate way to phrase it.
    And for some reason people take them seriously and let them do what they want.
    As a normal person, if you threaten suicide you will be on watch in a padded room with no mouthpiece to get you on the opposite gender’s running team.
    So now you know how to get off suicide watch – Tell’em you want to be a tranny.

    Which is so ironic considering trannys have a much higher suicide rate after transition.

  2. So now it’s not only the straight males that are under attack by the LGBTQRSTWXYZ types, now they are going after the straight girls too. Welcome to our world ladies, get used to it, if you say anything in your defense, you will be shouted down and your character will be asassinated.

  3. like I said when this bullshit started …. this is going to ruin girls sports …. can’t wait to see next year’s girl’s basketball teams … pretty soon there won’t be any ‘girls’ sports … just ‘girls’ sports for mediocre boys
    be careful what you wish for ‘progressives’

  4. they should have given the pathetic deviant a ribbon for winning the pervert race and then awarded the actual winners trophy to the fastest female!

  5. People joke a about this but I’m waiting for some school district to launch a league for genetic females only. The press would go mad and the lawsuits would begin but if the right mix on the SCOTUS is achieved it could be done. Females would be free to join the current womans league but must understand it may contain genetic males, their choice.

  6. Alinsky Rules for Radicals:
    Rule 4: Make the enemy live up to their own book of rules.

    The left has yet to figure out that Gay/Transgender is the opposite of Feminism/Women Empowerment. Women may join or compete in “Men” activities, but men will dominate in “Women” activities.

    Women are right back where they started from, being dominated by a male culture, this time the Gay/Transgender culture.

  7. I wonder how college women’s sports teams, that are loaded with lesbians, are going to take to their trans-allies trying to displace them from their scholarships?

    I suspect they won’t be real welcoming.

  8. Just wait until HE earns a scholarship to a university for HIS athletic performance and takes a slot that your daughter has earned.

    Congratulations ladies, your so-called “feminists” have failed you. They only want to recruit lesbians and have unfettered access to murder by abortion. They do not care a bit about women. Watch as all female sports are undermined.

    I’m waiting for the next insult…namely, an anabolic steroid using male, who pretends to be a female, to crush all your athletic achievements. More steroids and testosterone than Barry Bonds and Lance Armstrong combined. Good luck besting that combination.

  9. Loving the comments here! Fun, isn’t it, girls? You were happy to watch boys’ sports get smashed under the feminist left wing boot, it definitely is high time you get to join in the fun. Hell let’s go full-on retard and eliminate all boys and all girls sports and turn everything into LGBTQRSTZQMP only. We can have huge TV monitors with CNN and MSNBC at all the games and meets, scolding the white straight populace 24/7. Isn’t diversity awesome?!?

  10. Not sure how to think about this situation:
    – I wonder if he is proud of himself.
    – I wonder if she is proud of herself.
    – I wonder if it is proud of itself.

  11. Since we now have more than two genders – perhaps as many as 57 – why do we persist in forcing athletes into binary categories? Athletes should only compete against those of the same gender.

  12. Wow – didn’t we use to say to kids “You can be President someday?”

    Now we can say to our sons “You can be Flotus someday.”

    Now that’s progress.

  13. Norm McDonald once joked about the proud father of a homo son.
    “And here’s a photo of my boy sucking his friend’s cork.” Dennis Miller fell off his chair. This is bad, bad shit!

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