NOT THE ONION- University Professor Wants To Offer a Baby Blanket and Candy in “Emotional First-Aid Kit” For Triggered Students – IOTW Report

NOT THE ONION- University Professor Wants To Offer a Baby Blanket and Candy in “Emotional First-Aid Kit” For Triggered Students

DC– An adviser and an assistant professor at the University of Houston showed support for providing students with an emotional first aid kit that would contain a baby blanket and candy among other things.

Their backing of the emotional first aid kit is revealed in a Project Veritas video first obtained by The Daily Caller. James O’Keefe went undercover in late August as a member of the “99.9 percent” group and spoke to University of Houston psychology department advisor Bobbie Sue Schindler.

“The stress of school gets to them. Like a bad grade, a missed class, being late, a microaggression, uhh whatever,” Schindler said to O’Keefe about the emotional distress University of Houston students face.

Schindler expressed a liberal point of view when talking to O’Keefe and bemoaned that in her philosophy department there were “a bunch of white dudes running white dude things.” She was also disgusted at the idea of Breitbart tech editor Milo Yiannopoulos coming to campus and agreed that people like him should be banned.

ht/ annie

19 Comments on NOT THE ONION- University Professor Wants To Offer a Baby Blanket and Candy in “Emotional First-Aid Kit” For Triggered Students

  1. This will continue until state governments, alumni and supporters of every university and college in America face off with the Regents and force sanity checks for their faculties, i.e. realizing extreme socialism is a mental disorder per se. Then for those failing, fire them, regardless of “tenure” or not.

  2. Wow – two different people, both named “Anonymous”, had almost identical thoughts while posting here. Not only that, but both are apparently suffering from Texaphobia. What are the odds of such a thing happening?


  3. She needs calming room? How about retreating to the girls restroom? Just ignore the sexually disturbed she/male standing to urinate in the next stall and take a moment to reflect on her privileged first world life where a slight to her worldview causes her emotional trauma while everywhere else in the world people would and do everything they can to get here so they might trade their problems for hers! Whiny bitchy children of privilege…notice I did not say white children,this problem is shared by boomers and their children whatever race or color. Having grown up amidst plenty they feel a need find some pain or cause that allows them justify their good fortune instead of embracing it and then trying to find a way to uplift the less fortunate. Thus revealing yet again that liberalism is an idea of selflessness and ego-centric.

  4. OK These kids could not make it through art school. Art school where you are roundly criticized for crap work and lack of effort- at least “back in my day.” We had instructors pitch bad art assignments in trash cans and throw them on the floor – deemed too crappy to even critique (not mine tho!). Seriously. The only safe space then I guess would be to major in fine arts.

  5. If were ever in another world war with these pansies as fighters were going to get our ass kicked. The enemy will be able to shout insults and they’ll immediately fall with symptoms of shell shock.

  6. UH—steadily going downhill. But wait!!! UH is in Sheila Jackson Lee’s district—-it just can’t be!!! (Oh, and did I mention that SJL’s hubby is a prof there?) Garbage in. Garbage out.

  7. Sorry, Fur, but this kid, O’Keefe, has some major transportation and set up costs and I think it is important to water him financially to keep these exposes coming. Send bucks to Project Veritas. Google it.

    Now, I suppose I should send you something, too? …….
    …Lady in Red

  8. Barf. Is this “professer” getting paid? Does this brilliant idea mean a raise, in pay and tuition? College is the biggest waste of time and a sick joke. Get off your lazy butts and get a job.

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