Not Your Daddy’s Playboy Mag – Playboy Promoting Transvestites in Skimpy Bunny Suits – IOTW Report

Not Your Daddy’s Playboy Mag – Playboy Promoting Transvestites in Skimpy Bunny Suits

40 Comments on Not Your Daddy’s Playboy Mag – Playboy Promoting Transvestites in Skimpy Bunny Suits

  1. Another woman’s job has been taken away.
    Wow, where is the outcry over salary inequity now?
    The women’s movement is officially dead and pissed upon by the wokesters.

  2. Before you know it you’ll be seeing sports and childrens entertainment programs becoming liberal woke outlets. We need to band together and put a stop to this before it’s too late. Next thing you know they’ll try to tell us how to run our lives.

  3. Here’s Playboy Mag, telling all you female boob loving men, that they’ve been doing it all wrong since 1953 – for 67 years, they should have come right out with the LGBT mantra. Don’t you guys feel miffed that you’ve been strung along for 67 years?

  4. Back in the day Playboy actually had great writers contribute like Ian Fleming, Kurt Vonnegut, Ray Bradbury, Rod Serling, etc.

    The nude pics were pretty modest at first and never got too graphic like the shit Penthouse & Hustler did.

    Hell, what red-blooded American male wouldn’t have given his left arm to visit Hef’s Grotto at The Mansion?

    Good old days are GONE!

  5. LocoBlancoSaltine: “Hell, what red-blooded American male wouldn’t have given his left arm to visit Hef’s Grotto at The Mansion?”

    My understanding is that at least several years before Hefner passed away, the Grotto was unusable, as it was supposedly contaminated with either Staph or some other God-awful impossible-to-eradicate bug. Dunno what the guy who bought the place has done with it.

  6. Back in the 1960’s they had some good interviews with actors like Paul Newman and Lee Marvin.

    I still remember Newman talking about his VW into which he was having his mechanic install a high powered Porche engine. He wore a church key around his neck on a chain, which I copied for the twice weekly beer and soda ration we got in the jungle. No pop-ups then, you needed a church key.

    Lee Marvin, a Marine during WWII, talked about the invasion of Saipan or some other island. He got wounded and spent the remainder of the battle in the hospital. In his tough-guy talk, he mentioned the Marines as “All the ass-holes fighting it out” on the island. I don’t think he meant any disrespect.

    I always liked the dog-faced son-of-a-gun. Never heard any bad perv rumors about him.

    I haven’t read Playboy in probably 20 years and certainly won’t now.

  7. At least the author of the article got the name right for once because the term is definitely “transvestite” as opposed to “transgender” which is a similar attempt at shame fabrication as using “homophobia” instead of the proper “homodisgustia” by the left

  8. From the, er, “model”:

    “And I’m so pretty.”

    And there you have it, boys and girls – the central issue at hand, despite any associated vomiting amongst ourselves:

    It’s a narcissist, first, foremost and always, and has already decided for us that “she”‘s pretty.

    Nope. And this is coming from a dude who actually used to work at the Playboy Club in New York on Lex and 55th…1985/86. Glorious while it lasted, but Christie ran it into the ground, financially.

    And here’s some irony, just for a fun factoid…the Empire Club, as it was called, was the first to use what were termed, “rabbits” – MALES, no…REAL males walking around in just a cumberbun and tuxedo slacks.

    Hahahaha. Nobody complained but it wasn’t a big hit with the boob-loving crowd. The key is nobody complained.

    Us regular dudes, like me and the DJ, all the dudes in the house band and all the union kitchen crew called them, “Rodents”.


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