36 Comments on Note To Women (Particularly Lesbians) – HOW IS THIS ANY DIFFERENT THAN HARVEY WEINSTEIN-LIKE BEHAVIOR?

  1. It isn’t any different than the Harvey Weinstein thing, in the sense that none of the women really minded the Harvey Weinstein thing when it happened to them, at the time, either.

    It’s when these needy broads STOP getting this attention, often years later, that it starts to bother them.

  2. In real life, I know some women that would be more offended than if a man pulled that shit.
    But this isn’t real life, it’s Hollywood. Sit back and enjoy them eat their own.

  3. I’m of mixed mind on this. Unlike what Weinstein and a host of others did it’s damned unlikely Perry is going to be scarred by Ellen’s joke. Ten years ago this would have been funny to both sides of the political spectrum, even five years ago. Now, depending on who pulls a joke like this, it’s a possible career ender. Now while it’s fun to watch the left go after the other left but it just shows you how polararized the west has become. I blame this on Obama, Clinton and their minions on the left and in the Democrat party that spent years slowly gnawing away at the underpinings of western society with no defense offered by the squish Republicans like McCain or McConnell.

  4. Good for the goose, good for the goos-ee.
    We should all pretend that we’re asexual automatons when in public or in private.
    No jokes. No humor. No sex. No nothing – just a wan smile without eye contact.
    “Yes, Ms. Daisy.” “No, Ms. Daisy.”
    “Yes, Massah Jim.” “No, Massah Jim.”

    Then the world would be perfect! Perfect, I tells ya!

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Like I said in another post, Lesbian is playing the role of a man so it should be no different.

    @ Brad, if some queer woman pulled that shit on me she’d be getting the shit beat out of her. It’s in a man’s makeup to want to look at boobs, not saying it’s alright for them to touch without permission but imho a man not interested in looking has something wrong with him. A woman wanting to look has something wrong with her.


    Godless lesbian, sexually harasses average-looking Satanist in front of her gay lover, then posts photo on social media for all her child fans to see.

    Bleech! Can we just import SOME muslims to Hollywood to clean this act up? Not a lot, just enough to get the job done, then deport them back to Pakistan.

  7. This double standard for gays is nothing new. I lived in SF in the early 2000s and both lesbians and homosexuals sexualize everything, they make jokes that make straight people uncomfortable, and they pursue and harass straight people they find attractive constantly. It is harmful in that when someone is bothering you of the same sex you feel trapped and uncertain what to do. Go to HR and say someone of the same sex is making sexual jokes around you multiple times a day? Have them called in and say you can’t take a joke or clearly you are a homophobe. I disagree with anyone that says these acts aren’t harmful My guess is Ellen does this ALL THE TIME to all her guests. But hey, they choose to go on the show. You can’t always choose your co-workers and if you live in SF that was bound to happen.

  8. Brad, I’ve been told that all my life. lol

    I was raised with four older brothers, so there’s not much I haven’t heard. It’s a good thing I went to school in a different time when kids didn’t run tattling all the time, because my mom would have stroked out if she knew some of the jokes her little girl went to school telling.

  9. Ellen never got that excited over Michelle Obama – I wonder why.

    As Bad_Brad said: “Old Racist White Woman”

    Not that I blame Ellen so much; I’d stare at Katy’s tits too, if I didn’t have to pay admission.

  10. Brad,

    That was a freak show, my friend.

    I’ve asked over and over and over…has there EVER been an instance where a female was made MORE attractive, or let’s even say, more beautiful, by the addition of ink?

    Did Rita Hayworth or Marilyn Monroe or Donna Reed suffer for lack of a tramp-stamp, or a full sleeve of wrestling Chinese dragons?

    No, they did not. And if, for some reason, you disagree with my assessment, understand that you are a flucking weirdo.

    We need to stop celebrating females with Daddy issues. This self-mutilation is MADNESS.

    Not to mention what this hot mess will look like when these broads hit fifty.

  11. But to return to the idea that it’s bad to stare at a pair of breasts that are basically pushed out, semi-exposed, undulating with each breath and enhanced by push up/together/out skimpy fabrics…..ok, I lost my train of thought there…..ANYWAY, I always say if you’ve seen one pair you gotta see them all.

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