Nothing Compares to (Allah)U [Akbar] – Sinead O’Connor Converts To Islam Saying “it’s the natural conclusion of any intelligent theologian’s journey” – IOTW Report

Nothing Compares to (Allah)U [Akbar] – Sinead O’Connor Converts To Islam Saying “it’s the natural conclusion of any intelligent theologian’s journey”

Sinead O’Connor has a new religion — and a new name.
Last week, the “Nothing Compares 2 U” singer, revealed on Twitter that she had converted to Islam.
“This is to announce that I am proud to have become a Muslim,” O’Connor wrote on Oct. 19, explaining that her new faith “is the natural conclusion of any intelligent theologian’s journey.” 
All scripture leads to Islam. Which makes all other scriptures redundant,” she added, before revealing she would henceforth be known by a new name. “I will be given (another) new name. It will be Shuhada.’”
More at People
HT/ …but she’s a fool…

53 Comments on Nothing Compares to (Allah)U [Akbar] – Sinead O’Connor Converts To Islam Saying “it’s the natural conclusion of any intelligent theologian’s journey”

  1. This crazy woman has finally found her place with the craziest death cult on earth. Apparently, they will accept anyone in their membership. She could give them a bad reputation if they aren’t careful.

  2. Well, now that the EU has ruled that saying Muhammad is a pedophile is not free speech, looks like she won’t be ranting against the higher ups of her new faith. If anyone remembers her appearance on Saturday Night Live when she torn up a picture of the Pope, Islam will have none of that (especially since you can’t have a picture of The Prophet of Islam).

    Looks like she has the chance to go on tour with Yusuf Islam, commonly known by his stage name Cat Stevens.

  3. There are some women (or subset….?) who just really do not function well (or at all….?) without a man. She’s one of ’em.

    This is not going to end well, I fear. ….Lady in Red

    PS: I wonder how Kris Kristofferson feels now, if she’s worth another song…. …or just a sigh.

  4. LOL. This is a new one. She usually rides her bike through town and hides so that people thinks she’s missing. Then she comes out and starts talking about suicide, blah blah blah. 6 months from now, she’ll be a tranny.

  5. @Lady in Red:

    I wonder how Kris Kristofferson feels now, if she’s worth another song… …or just a sigh.

    A sigh? If Mr. Kristofferson has any discriminatory sense at all, her effect on him now should be carminative.

  6. Didn’t she rip up a pic of the Pope on SNL? Bet she wouldn’t dare that same performance art shredding a pic of Moe.
    Btw, Shuhada, that’s a ski hat, not a hijab.

  7. You know what pisses me off? “Irish America” magazine. It has a circulation of about 300,000 in America and Canada The Publisher Niall O Dowd is a left winger from way back. He also governs “Irish Central” I’ve been following them for years. They detest President Trump. They detest America. They promote elitist Irish Americans who wear suits and ties. Rarely, never, have I seen an Irishman or woman in work boots or Coveralls appreciated. They have made John Brennan (CIA) traitor and Gov. Moonbeam Brown, “Irish men of the year.” Now they are making the atheist bald canary, O’Conner a heroine. Fuck them. Fuck Niall O’Dowd, Patricia Harty, and the communist “Irish America” magazine

  8. How interesting. I just finished some chores while listening to Jay Smith take *a wrecking ball* to the historicity of Islam’s source materials. Then I popped over to see what’s new on IOTW before going to check my eyelids for cracks. You never disappoint.

  9. ShuNADA. Because you are NOTHING.

    “it’s the natural conclusion of any intelligent theologian’s journey”

    Arrogant, Elitist and self serving bullshit.

    Go find Linda SarSOUR and have a PARTY you POS.


  10. “Nothing Compares…Til You…

    How about win a contest for an image (cartoon) of someone in a critical way in history and be THREATENED with your LIFE by it”

    ShuuuuuuNada = SHoooemeannothing


  11. “She has previously spoken out against the abuses of the Catholic Church,” and yet she has nothing to say about her new glass house?

    I feel sorry for her, actually.

  12. It is a natural conclusion for one who rejects God. Jesus said “No one comes to the Father except by me”. Allah is Satan. A created being. Repent. Believe. And be saved.

  13. She is perhaps one of the few women who will actually look good in that Hefty bag the female followers of pisslam walk around in public in. In her case though, she should wear a smaller one totally over her head…..


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