Nothing Funny About Late-Night TV – IOTW Report

Nothing Funny About Late-Night TV


A new Media Research Center study by Alex Christy underlines that the late-night jesters on ABC, CBS, NBC, and Comedy Central overwhelmingly tilt their political jokes to whack Republicans. He counted 9,518 political jokes, and of these 7,729 (or 81 percent) were directed at someone or something on the right side of the political spectrum.

The shows included Jimmy Kimmel at ABC, Stephen Colbert and James Corden at CBS, Jimmy Fallon and Seth Myers at NBC, and the carousel of cranks on The Daily Show (including Sarah Silverman) on so-called Comedy Central. More

28 Comments on Nothing Funny About Late-Night TV

  1. The big joke is that anyone finds those shows funny.

    One of the many problems with this country is that there are too many shows on TV that are considered “too big to fail.” That includes the shows mentioned in the article, The Simpsons, Saturday Night Live, and I am sure many more that I can’t be bothered to think of right now.

  2. My late-night TV watching dwindled sharply when Leno took over for Carson; ended abruptly when he dropped out.
    None of the current crop of leftist swine can compare with Leno, let alone the great Mr. Johnny Carson.
    He & Ed were 2 in a million.

  3. Frankly, I am grateful for the current crop of late night hosts. I go to bed much earlier, get a better night’s sleep, and don’t have to worry about the blather these folks spout.

  4. I figured that out back in the 1960s.

    As for television, we watch disc movies and documentaries mostly. That and PBR. I saw a movie on GRIT network and actually tuned in to have something to half watch while vacuuming last week. Holy crap, five minutes of commercials for each five minutes of movie. The commercials were all of the most exploitative brand of tear jerker, freezing pets, dying children etc over and over and over. I donate to some of the same charities and have all my adult life, but this was over the top.

    It was unwatchable.

  5. Nothing funny? I dunno…there’s funny and then there’s funny.

    For example, isn’t it funny how the people in cars that T-bone semi rigs tend to be decapitated in the crash?

  6. There are some things that I don’t consider funny any more, like the US government political rot that is destroying the America I used to know, via a slow bleed out. I have a vast mountain of DVDs and VHS tapes. I only pick and chose things on the internet, if it has a reference to NBC, CBS or ABC I avoid it like dog chit.

  7. @JDHasty: What I don’t understand about those about those five minute breaks every five minutes is that half the time is filled with promos for other shows that will have five minute breaks every five minutes.

    The real reason for those promos and public service announcements is so if, should the executives’ wet dreams come true, they actually sell commercials for those breaks, they have breaks to put them in.

    Maybe if the breaks weren’t so long, they might actually sell some commercials.

  8. Five minutes of movie – five minutes of commercials – five minutes of movie – five minutes of commercials and on and on it goes. Relentlessly badgering people to sign up for $19.95/month. How anyone could sit through an entire movie is a question I still have no answer for.

  9. Am beginning to like the commercials better than the programs.
    Love the one that says death can occur if you take this FDA approved drug that is suppose to stop your but itching.

  10. Didn’t Jimmy Kimmel start his TV career making homosexual inuendos at Ben Stein during “W\in Ben Stein’s Money”? I remember an actual homosexual contestant made some comments to Kimmel and he became very flustered.

  11. I would record Leno so that if it got boring I could fast forward through to the next gaff. I have no interest in left wing sudo-comedians that are out there now.

  12. I PVR most everything I watch, even if a program begins on the hour, I start recording and begin watching about quarter or twenty minutes past just so I can fast forward through all the ads. Works for me.


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