Nothing Happens to the Left… – IOTW Report

Nothing Happens to the Left…

“If you lie at the behest of the establishment, there’s never a price to pay.” —


Would you like to see 4 more years of Trump simply be a vengeance-fest?

13 Comments on Nothing Happens to the Left…

  1. Nothing of any consequence will happen to Tony the plague-carrying rat. At any rate there will be no consequences in this world. Our only consolation comes from knowing with high certainty that Satan owns his soul, and that it is unlikely in the extreme that Tony will confess, repent, and atone. That just isn’t in what I will with grudging charity call his “character”.

  2. Rich McCormick is an establishment douche whom the Georgia RINOs installed after our district lines were redrawn—again—and our Democrat Representative Lucy McBath decamped to a safe district next door. We had Tom Price before them, but he went to Trump’s cabinet and was taken out by the Dems with penny ante bullshit.

    Now we’re stuck with this budget Trey McGowdy warhawk trying to make a name for himself by preening at useless hearings. “Cooling the mark”, indeed. Screw them all.

  3. Sadly, these people have no morals, no conscience and no remorse for anything they do. They know they will never be punished and could care less what we call them. They just take their money and laugh in our faces.

  4. The ‘hearings’, ‘investigations’, ‘impeachments’, run by the RINOs have all been just that, cooling the marks. Look at the evidence regarding 0bamacare. Lots and lots of squawk and when they had the ability to kill it, did they? No, no they didn’t. Doubling and tripling the cost of medical insurance? 👍!! Clinton criminality? Same show, follow all through the last forty years, the republicans are in fact the people who cool the marks. Time to flip over the table and quit the grift altogether.

  5. Again…for the people in the back.

    If anyone thinks for one moment that we the people will see justice,I have a bridge to sell ya.
    Just hurry and claim yours, before another idiot barge captain takes it out.

  6. That’s because the Republicans in Congress, with the exception of the very few, are nothing but a bunch of spineless cowards.
    All they could come up with is fiery speeches, investigations, and strongly worded letters.
    Nothing else.
    No one is held accountable for their lies/crimes/actions.
    Then they cave and work with the libtards.


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