Nothing Like Have the World’s First Openly Retarded Vice-President Stumping For you – IOTW Report

Nothing Like Have the World’s First Openly Retarded Vice-President Stumping For you

Watch Biden make a mess out of just 2 reporter’s questions regarding Hillary’s stamina and corruption with the Clinton Foundation.

Both of his answers would make me cringe if I were the frail, un-healthy corrupt candidate he’s supposedly shilling for.

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17 Comments on Nothing Like Have the World’s First Openly Retarded Vice-President Stumping For you

  1. … & just think … Timma Kaine wants to replace Joey’s brilliance with his own
    what is it with demonRat veep candidates … from Lyndon Johnson to AlGore to Biden … now Kandy Kaine? … destructive simpletons all

  2. You’re all missing the money shot, “Well I think you’ll see them stop taking foreign donations.”

    The follow up question should’ve been, “Do you think it was wrong for them to take foreign donations while Hillary was SOS?”

  3. “the clinton foundation like all foundations”
    “colin powell did it too.”

    it’s always ok if someone else did it too, right, msm?

    deflection, projection, it’s the democrat way.

  4. Wow.

    “Well she has been doing a lot of events” Ahhh, what exactly does “event” mean here Joe?

    I thought Romney ran a pretty bad campaign until the last 2 weeks or so-this is pathetic. It must be murder to get up everyday and battle the Trump Juggernaut

  5. First fourty-five seconds into this video and my ears start to bleed. This broad says that Warren OH is similar to Scranton PA where Biden grew up. Funny thing is that the veep represents the state of Delaware in the Senate and Delaware is not same as Penn. Also, she says Biden is the crazy uncle who argues for a bailout of the auto industry at the family picnic. She is either under orders to make Tsovarisch Biden look good by any means or she drinks one gallon of kool-aid a day!

  6. Biden says is all due to the complications! Ooohh now it’s ok. Pardon me while I go and swear like crazy. Oh and she actually asked some tough questions. But no follow up or try to untangle the veeps crazy explanation? Sorry MSNBC, we do not trust you!!!

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