My friends & I are wondering why a company that supplies 50% of voting machines 2 America donates $ to #ClintonFoundation?
— MicroSpookyLeaksâ„¢ (@WDFx2EU7) October 25, 2016
ht/ all too much
BUT! Wild Bill says to remain calm.
ht/ czar of defenestration
Screw the pitchforks…
No surprise.
And Harry Reid’s kid was in charge of the machines in NV’s last major election.
The “game” grows dangerous.
Bring your cameras to the voting booths and record your transactions. If something switches, start acting a fool.
We need to take back America any way we can
Whatever you do, don’t use the term “the fix is in”. It causes mental problems with some readers, apparently.
There are 29 states that require electors to cast their electoral votes in line with the popular vote in their state. George Soros is on record saying that politicians have been bribed in the remaining states so that Hillary can win. And I think that’s important to know. Be vigilant, not lofo.
* See the link on “Soros Says The Fix Is In” in the bullpen for more on this voter bribery. It’s not scare tactics, it’s awareness. It’s more reasons to get out and vote — to override the corruption.
George Soros is one motherfucker you do not want to take your eyes off of.
switch to paper now. Demand it of your auditors.
Big Furry One. In my line if work I cannot tell you how many people I meet that are ready to go to war on November 9th. About 30% are Leo. I always ask a simple question when they start on their rants. “Against whom?”.
Answer, our corrupt government.
And I always ask where there going to start. Name s name. Name a location.
Contrary to WB opinion I know several conservatives who say / claim they either don’t vote or vote for the Demorat because in their view the quickest way to fix America is to hasten the total collapse of the country as quickly as possible so the rebuilding can get started sooner.
Believing the good guys are out numbered, and no one can save the country . Especially when the country is full of whiners and parasites. But after the collapse they will either be eliminated or get their mind right when they see the free ride is over. Get a better attitude or starve while living on the street or in the woods.
I disagree, but some days I have wonder if they’re right, and I’m wrong.
Blink, you just defined the #NeverTrump assholes. And if you need to ask if their right, that’s a problem.
The only way to fight a battle is to give it all you got until the end, win or lose. Cowards drop out and never win.
Don’t let your guard down.
Always knew it would come down to this, if Trump didn’t implode. It’s why Clinton doesn’t poll higher than she does…lots of Democrats know she’s already got it in the bag so they’re not worried at all.
Charlie, they make the scanners that count the paper ballots.
So, their souls have been bought by the devil.