Notice how they never say they’re moving to Mexico? – IOTW Report

Notice how they never say they’re moving to Mexico?


33 Comments on Notice how they never say they’re moving to Mexico?

  1. Sharpton might be well advised to move someplace that does not have an extradition treaty with the US. Once obama is out of office his tax debt might be an issue.

  2. Joe6pak; Ever heard of preemptive pardons?
    They have been legal for use by the president since 1866.
    I would imagine that Hillary and Sharpton are on the short list.

  3. Because deep down the celebs know Trump is going to build that fucking wall, and Mexico is going to pay for it! They can still come over and screw with us on the Canada side.

  4. Canada is to the USA as North Korea is to China. They can’t exist on their own, but they pretend to be independent. They can have open borders because they know anyone who reaches their shores is heading here ultimately. They can afford to spend nothing on national defense because they are in our defense shadow. They can afford to be socialist-lite because Capitalist America is their biggest trading partner.

  5. These people are still here? Go, already – you don’t even have to wait until the November election, and take Michael Moore with you even if you have to promise him an extra ration of jelly donuts. Trust me, no one will miss you if you leave, and most of us have forgotten you were still here in the first place.

  6. Go to fucking Venezuela, and take Michael Moore, Sean Penn, Leonardo DiCaprio, the entire cast of MSNBCers, The View cast, Bill Maher, and Steven Colbert with you. Canada has enough Liberals.

  7. They know which side of the bread the butter is on.

    They also know that their steaming hypocrisy will be forgotten in a couple of news cycles and that their lies will have no repercussions.

  8. Why is there not Vigilante redaction?
    Ten man collection teams, overwhelm security and take them forty miles south of the border into the desert, twenty miles from a structure. One canteen, one pair of boxers and a tank top, and one pair of tuxedo shoes or runway heels, shave them bald, paint them blue and stuff them full of psychoactive alkaloids

  9. Hey they can’t just up and move to Mexico because Mexico has very strict and very strictly enforced immigration laws. Those laws are in place to keep riff raff like this out (movie mavens are like Muslims a few go a long way). Mexico does however like to send their riff raff to us (by the millions)!

  10. Yeah! Come on up, guys! With the proposed Trudeau Tax carbon theft and the New Dawn of Never-ending Sunny Days of Crony Socialist Infrastructure Taxation now upon us, we need as many taxpayers as possible up here.


  11. A bunch of lying hypocrites. Canada is their choice because they know they wouldn’t last a day in the corrupt, sewage filled penata called Mexico.
    From Canada, with dual citizenship, the worthless trolls can comfortably go back and forth harassing both countries.

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