Notice the IRS Agent Recruiting Video Shows “Agents” Taking Down a Landscaper, Not a Millionaire or Billionaire – IOTW Report

Notice the IRS Agent Recruiting Video Shows “Agents” Taking Down a Landscaper, Not a Millionaire or Billionaire


22 Comments on Notice the IRS Agent Recruiting Video Shows “Agents” Taking Down a Landscaper, Not a Millionaire or Billionaire

  1. …and to think WE put a hard stop to this nonsense over some tea, while YOU don’t mind paying 30-40% of your income just to stay out of jails that YOU paid for…

  2. Kcir – They voted for This Sh@t
    AUGUST 21, 2022 AT 8:04 AM
    ‘“Temporary Migrants” are going to love this.’

    Hometown cops sometimes are unwilling to fire on their neighbors, so that’s why tyrant governments bring in troops from other places, because they do not have any connection to those people and because the troops themselves will feel more fearful in a strange place, and therefore more likely to shoot out of that fear.

    These illegals are our REPLACEMENT population.

    They would fit that bill nicely, and have the added advantage that they come from lands where that’s how it’s done anyway.

    Don’t be surprised if the IRS armed agents aren’t recruited heavily from that very large pool of mostly strong, military age young men who pour across our border.

    Its more fun than herbaceous borders for them anyway.

  3. Carlos the Jackal
    AUGUST 21, 2022 AT 8:23 AM
    “Just Askin’;
    The actual question is:
    How many minions of tyrants need to disappear before they decide fucking with us is a losing proposition?”

    …ask THIS guy. The answer THEY came up with was, “Not Enough”.

    “And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?… The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If…if…We didn’t love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation…. We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”
    -Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn , “The Gulag Archipelago”

  4. Since the IRS can seize bank accounts and assets already why do they need swat teams? The result of an audit might be a letter of a finding and a penalty or fine.

    Why the heavy hand? Why badges and guns?

  5. “How many minions of tyrants need to disappear before they decide fucking with us is a losing proposition?”

    ALL of em.
    Once the minions “disappear” the tyrants are a cakewalk.

    No mercy.
    No quarter.
    You cannot negotiate with those who would kill you – there’s no basis.
    You cannot negotiate with liars – their words mean nothing.
    You cannot compromise on principle – or it isn’t a principle.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. I’m their authority won’t ever be used just to silence the opposition. They are already ready to send their swat teams to arrest Mike Lindell, Micheal Flynn, Lin Wood,…..
    I’m also sure it will attract all the best and brightest, those that failed their police and security examinations. Maybe they will skip all that and just hire criminals right out of the prisons or cartels.

  7. Welcome to The Holograms Marxist Police State, funded by printed money and stolen taxes from the very citizens they are criminalizing over confiscatory tax laws.

    Yeah, this won’t poke the sleeping dog. The “New and Improved” Expanded Gestapo IRS is in for a rude awakening.

  8. Joe’s gas prices and inflation has already slapped down the landscapers due to customer loss from necessary price increases.
    The video’s just another kick in their nuts.

  9. It used to be if you made a mistake on your taxes, they would send you a letter, and you would meet with an IRS auditor at their office: “hello Mr. Smith, thanks for coming.” Now they will send in a swat team telling you “you’re going to jail , buddy”.

    This is yet another federal affirmative action hiring program. Minorities will move to the front of the line, criminal record? No problem. Bullies will be selected from the applicants. How is this any different than the SS and SA in 1930s Germany?

  10. But…but… we were told these “agents” were only going after those making over 400k per year!? Damn…I guess I’m glad I didn’t get into the “lucrative “ landscaping business. So I will be safe, right?

  11. Tony R
    AUGUST 21, 2022 AT 9:48 AM

    “How is this any different than the SS and SA in 1930s Germany?”

    The weapons are better, it’s MUCH easier to track people and control their wealth, there’s no America or Allies gonna save us, and the uniforms the jackbooted thugs are wearing are WAY more gay.

    Other than that, pretty much the same.

  12. Nah, they’re just after their sworn enemy. The guy with the business license.
    Who’s going to divulge to a total stranger that you keep two sets of books? And keeping two sets a books is some dumb movie thing. Nobody does that. Further more if Mr. Landscaper has enough money for them to pursue he’s probably using a CPA like virtually every business in the Unite States does, so this meeting would actually take place at the CPA’s office and there would be no guns.
    This entire scenario is ridiculous. So what are they teaching these sub standard poor examples of humanity? Sure as hell isn’t gun skills. Historically Tax Evasion has been some what tough to prove. Is every one a Tax Evader now. The punk with the permanent smirk on his face will die first.

  13. Joe Biden, the longtime known chronic liar, has and will break every single “promise” he’s issued and will go after all non-wealthy in the nation, for the purposes of (trying) to flex otherwise broke-down decrepit muscles for intimidation. This includes all wait staff, janitors, store clerks and workers, handicapped, elderly, blacks and ethnics, the poverty-stricken and more….doesn’t matter to him as long as they’re not wealthy elitists. Can’t stand the malicious mean-nasty guy but I can recognize ‘elder abuse’ engaged by those handling him and his non-brain, including by his greedy ‘breakfast tacos’ wife.

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