November 9, 2008 – Obama chats with Medvedev on phone – IOTW Report

November 9, 2008 – Obama chats with Medvedev on phone

Just 5 days after the election.

CHICAGO – President-elect Obama spoke to Russian President Dmitry Medvedev yesterday as he made another round of phone calls with counterparts in other nations.

A Kremlin statement said Obama and Medvedev “expressed the determination to create constructive and positive interaction for the good of global stability and development” and agreed that their countries had a responsibility to address “serious problems of a global nature.”

Obama’s office did not issue a statement describing the call.

A Bush administration plan for setting up a missile shield close to Russia’s borders has served as another dent in the Kremlin’s battered relationship with the United States.

On Wednesday, Medvedev threatened to move short-range missiles to Russia’s borders with NATO allies even as the US offered new proposals on nuclear arms reductions as well as missile defense. Allowing Russian observers at planned missile defense sites in Poland and the Czech Republic were among them, US officials said.

During the presidential campaign, Obama expressed skepticism about the system, saying that it would require much more vigorous testing to ensure it would work and justify the billions of dollars it would cost.

Obama foreign policy adviser Denis McDonough said yesterday that Obama had “a good conversation” with Polish President Lech Kaczynski about the American-Polish alliance but that Obama had made no commitment on the missile shield plan.

6 Comments on November 9, 2008 – Obama chats with Medvedev on phone

  1. They will attempt to build a case for obstruction of justice. It doesn’t matter if there was any underlying crime. They got Flynn on a process crime, lying about something that was not itself a crime. This could be construed that Trump believed his actions were criminal, therefore firing Comey was an attempt to cover up what he believed was a crime.

  2. It doesn’t count. Obama was the Chosen One. Trump is the Unchosen One. The Electoral College needs to be abolished. Hillary Rodham Clinton is still the President Elect, because she got more popular votes (even if most of the were from illegal aliens in California). She’s obviously more popular, therefore she needs to replace Trump as soon as he is impeached for doing things after he was elected, but before he was sworn in as President just like Obama did, but before he was elected. Am I making sense yet? There has to be a way to make this work if you just apply Liberal Logic to it. It’s obstruction of Liberalism!

  3. Meanwhile, Iran Ross was suspended by ABC for his “whoopsie” report which caused the DOW to drop 350 points before almost recovering to within around 40 points of the previous days’s record high.
    Oopsie doopsie, ABC shoddy (clean version ov another “sl word adjective) reporting.
    ABC should be sued for that damage to the market!

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