American Thinker- By Thomas Lifson
A little schadenfreude to start your week.
A mere three months after its publication date, Hillary Clinton’s most recent excuse to go on a speaking tour and stay in our faces, The Book of Gutsy Women, is deeply discounted at Barnes & Noble. As Roger Cohen of The New York Times noted, “[b]ooks are remaindered — that is, sold at a fraction of their cover price — when they are no longer selling and publishers are desperate to get rid of them.”
The official publication date of the book was October 1, 2019, so it has not been available even one hundred days. Apparently, word of mouth is not selling many copies. A reader spotted this at Barnes & Noble over the weekend: MORE
Still to Expensive.
You can buy 8 rolls of ass wipe for under $4.
That’s still 50% to much but then so is free. I’ll take a pass on it even if they were paying to get it off their shelves.
The publishers are probably thinking “What Happened”?
Yeah and the asswipe would be a better read too!
So tales of women doing a few things in all of recorded history that men are called on to do daily as required gender role? Women need to be good at being women; there’s equal value there to do what men do, just different. Hillary doesn’t have a single feminine cell in her body. She fails.
Stories about women? Sorry, not interested.
Half off and now with 50% more FAIL!
People are every ways tired of her.
I’ll wait for the $0.99 sale, range targets are too expensive these days.
Anyone who would give a nickel to a Clinton deserves to lose their money!
And that goes for that two-legged advertisement for Purina, Web’s kid too!
The Clintons are seriously damaged… I wuz gonna say goods, but there’s nuthin good about ’em!
“If it took only three months to remainder the book, it must be a
real dogstinkin’ skunk.”There. Fixed that for you, Tom!
Actually- this christmas as I was browsing B&N during my shopping I spotted this at 50% off- but I thought that it was a sale due to the holidays.
Maybe not. 😏 lol.
The first problem for liberals selling books is not content. Liberals were raised in
the school system they devised. Liberals don’t know how read.
Aside from the fact that truth is a stranger.
If it was titled “The Book of Busty Women” it might have had a chance.
I’d have to be 100% off my meds to buy her book at 50% off.
That’s ironic as BJ Billy’s used underwear is also 50% off!
@Cynic January 6, 2020 at 8:42 pm
> If it was titled “The Book of Busty Women” it might have had a chance.
It’s the current year! “The Book of Busty Women” is full of… well… just don’t flip open the centerfold. No. Really. Don’t.
no wonder it’s 50% off
… they spelled “Nutsy” wrong
If somebody donates the mixing tubs, and maybe some sawdust we can pulp them and turn them into paper bricks and possibly use them for smudging fields during a frost, or we can sell them to the Haitians for building material. If we paint them we can say they’re waterproof
You people make me laugh out loud! Sometimes I only stop by to read the comments and leave a bunch of thumbs ups!
What no “sexism” charges yet?? They wouldn’t do this to a book written by Men about Men !
These book deals are scams…..
Just another way to pay for public officials corruption.
Barnes & Nobel are selling raffle tickets. First prize is a signed copy of Hillary’s book. Second prize is two signed copies….
She is way more than 50% off
Bill’s pants are 100% off.
^^^ The hallmark of the Pants-Dropper-And-Thief
In a couple weeks, you can get one with the cover ripped off from Dollar General’s dumpster for FREE!!!
Maybe they can give them away for nothing, like Nobel Peace Prizes…
Still on the NYT “Best Seller” list though.