Now He Can Do His Warm Up At Home – IOTW Report

Now He Can Do His Warm Up At Home

Rasool Samir made a big impression on the basketball court for Garden City community college in Kansas. Samir is Muslim and decided that his religion requires he only pays his respects to Allah.

At the home opener, instead of joining his team members in the locker room during the national anthem, Samir took to the court for some practice shots, despite the fact that he wasn’t going to play.  Confronted by an alum for his disrespect, Samir was kicked off the court, then off the team then given a ticket out of town.


12 Comments on Now He Can Do His Warm Up At Home

  1. @Odin 2013….He went there because he has relatives there (I’m guessing)….Cargill has some meat packing plants in Kansas where you can pray 6 times a day and practice your knife sharpening skills….

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