Now Hiring: Chicago Police Officers – IOTW Report

Now Hiring: Chicago Police Officers

As violence explodes in Democrat-run Chicago, police desperate to get people to want to be cops in the city.

16 Comments on Now Hiring: Chicago Police Officers

  1. Anybody remember when DC did this a few decades ago?
    They got cops with longer rap sheets than the perps!
    Took years to sort it out and in the meantime the regular citizens (majority of which were negro) were beaten, mugged, and extorted by the cops (majority of which were negro).

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. You Tube has videos where 1-2 dozen cops show up at a crime scene in a few minutes. Chicongo already has enough police. Portland? Citizens are told it will be hours before one policeman can get there. Good job Portland. How’s that pandering to parasites plan workin out for ya?

  3. “You Tube has videos where 1-2 dozen cops show up at a crime scene in a few minutes”.

    Only if the victim of the alleged crime is the state. The rest of us are on our own.


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