Now It’s Time To Primary and Fire – IOTW Report

Now It’s Time To Primary and Fire

There are seven Republican Senators who ultimately defied their constituents and sustained Obamacare this past week. They all need to be tossed from office.


20 Comments on Now It’s Time To Primary and Fire

  1. 95% incumbency rate. McCain was primaried. Didn’t matter. In the end, voters chose him over Kelli Ward.

    95% incumbency rate. McConnell was primaried. But voters stuck with McConnell.

    These guys act like they have lifetime appointments. And why shouldn’t they?

    95% of the time, incumbents get reelected.

    Sorry to be so negative, but you can’t deny the stats.

  2. On 2016 it wasn’t and option . Stop the bleeding by electing Ttump. The real work lies ahead in 2018, 2030 & 2022. Anyone who thinks this can be repaired in one election cycle is delusional.

    There is no free meal. Break out you wallet. The establishment has access to incredible amounts of cash from the puppet masters.

  3. Better yet Monday Trump should publicly issue an executive order and put congress and their staffs back on the same insurance plan without subsidies the rest of us are on. If it is good enough for their constituents should be good enough for them.

  4. Nice rifle. They eat anything, I would not use any steel cased ammo. If you’re just plinking anything will do. If you’re doing some precision shooting there’s several great manufacturers out there. Nosler, Hornady, even Federal has a decent product. 168 grain seems to be the preferred bullet weight.

  5. OK Here are the facts on those 7. Only 1 us up for reelection in the next cycle (2018). Three are up in 2020 and three aren’t up until 2022.

    So there won’t be immediate retribution.
    Unless we defeat Heller and McCainBrain gives out.

    Here are the senators, their states and next reelection years.
    Alexander. TN. 2020
    Capito. WV. 2020
    Collins. ME. 2020
    Heller. NV. 2018
    McCain. AZ. 2022***. As if
    Murkowski. AK 2022
    Portman. OH 2022.

    So I guess Arizona governor will key. Emergency and special election will be key.

  6. good work PHenry … did the same research last night …
    these shit weasels had this planned all along …. the ones not up for election take the ‘No’ votes, protecting all the other shit weasels that are up for election this cycle … next cycle they do it all over again with a different set of ‘villains’ … cute, huh?

    we’re being played for suckers …. big league

  7. I’m sure they vote the way they do with all the best intentions regardless of what their constituents wanted when they voted them in,but….Ah FUCK ‘EM! Send their asses to GITMO as far as I’m concerned, or at least to unemployment.

  8. They passed the 17th amendment in 1912/13 to have senators directly elected by the people. Really bad idea as previously they were appointed by state legislatures that could recall them at any time. Now we’re fucking stuck with these pricks and they know they are basically untouchable.

    And to repeal 17 is impossible as they’re the only ones to vote on it.

    Thanks Woodrow in hell and the socialists.

  9. I was just looking at the 24 democrats/independent senators up for reelection in 2018. 9 of those states voted for Trump. That may be where resources should be focused.
    Indiana, Michigan, Missouri, Montana, North Dakota, Ohio, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Wisconsin.
    Although I think everybody hates Elizabeth warren so mass needs to field a strong candidate. So that could be another pick up. But miserable horrible people from those states are up for reelection; Stabenow (vs kid rock), mccaskill, brown, casey, Baldwin.

    Pick up a few of those seats and overpower the RINO swamp monsters and make them irrelevant.

    Next year will be very interesting if this Trump winning thing continues.

  10. Skip past me if I’m boring you. But looking at the Democrats massive senate reelection numbers is a cause for optimism.

    And I need to make a correction. 10 of 24 states with dem senators are up for reelection. Not 9.
    Bill Nelson of Florida missed my first glance.

    Joe Manchin in WV is in a Trump state. Sure, he sounds like the voice of reason but he voted against repeal.
    Virginia is supposedly a blue state, but Timmy Kaine has beclowned himself while his northern Virginia swamp is being drained.
    I don’t know that old Bernie has the luster he once had, although Vermont is, um, lost. So that race doesn’t matter.
    Add VT to the lost colonies; DE. MD. CT. NJ. NY. RI.
    And there are the lost states; CA. MN. ME. NM. WA.

    When I first put up reelection years earlier I thought we were doomed. Now I’m positively optimistic.
    Lots of dangling dems.

  11. Senator John McCain, as one of the current, and most prominent members of the RINOstocracy has renewed his MSM-revered status as their favorite GOP-traitor maverick. What this really means of course is that he seems to always find a way to vote Democrat when the GOP needs his vote the most. What is most galling about this latest shiv in the back of conservatives and republicans alike (No Virginia, they are NOT the same thing anymore.) is that Maverick campaigned so strenuously on rolling back Obamacare in order to fool the people into once again into voting him back into office last election. Maverick has been a bona fide member of the #Swamp since his first inauguration into office during the Reagan administration in 1983! According to an Idaho Statesman Op-Ed, Maverick earned his moniker in 1989 after being called out as one of the “Keating-Five”. Google it if you’ve never heard of it. The fastest way to have the MSM be nice to you, as a Republican, is to vote with Democrats. As the Op-Ed states, Maverick decided to start getting good press as opposed to voting as a conservative after his brush with ethically dubious people and events went public. Maverick, along with the other fellow-travelers from the reliably “Progressive” wing of the RINOstocracy, namely Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski have a knack of voting their “conscience” which somehow always conveniently coincides with Nancy Pelosi’s when the stakes are highest for the GOP. (See Gang-of-Eight & Gang-of-Fourteen for details) In honor of The Mavericktm and those who place their political future above their constituent’s best interests, I ask that everyone join me this coming election and every election here on out to #TurnThisHouse and #TurnThisSenate by NEVER voting for an incumbent ever again. I don’t care how well they voted, how effective they were in Congress or how well the press likes/despises them, simply never vote for an incumbent again. This is the surest way I know to ensure the special interests don’t buy career politicians and enrich them under the table which means they are also selling out America. (See Keating-Five for details).

  12. Dianny, you left off the worst example of all. Lisa Murkowski was primaried AND DEFEATED yet she still slithered back onto her Ruling Class throne-for-life. Give politicians power, and the first thing they use it for is to solidify their hold on power.

    We must drain the Swamp one way or another, or stop telling ourselves the people run this country.

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