Now Leftists Want To Do Away With the Star Spangled Banner – IOTW Report

Now Leftists Want To Do Away With the Star Spangled Banner

It will never end, because the end game is not going to happen for these morons.

They will not stop until the United States is dismantled and handed over to anyone but WHITE MALES!!!!

Now the leftards are turning their moronic sites on the Star Spangled Banner, calling it racist.

How in the world is a the National Anthem racist? Because it was written by a white guy? Because it was written about a fight with the British? I’m really not following.

I guess it’s racist because it existed BEFORE LEFTIST MILLENNIALS WERE BORN. You know, year one.


The story doesn’t suggest what song should replace the anthem. It would have to be written by a non-white male heterosexual, and not be about anything except the celebration of deviancy and illiteracy.


25 Comments on Now Leftists Want To Do Away With the Star Spangled Banner

  1. oh hell no. these attacks on our flags, statues and anthems are attacks on the basic tenets of our country that untold thousands of patriots have died to defend. Its on now assholes. RAMMING SPEED

  2. You just knew this was coming didn’t you. Nothing involving white guys who founded this country is considered to be valid anymore by the left. I hate these cowardly bastards who are nothing but strict revisionists and want to erase anything to do with the founding of this country if it involved white people. And just wait 3 years till it’s been 400 years since the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth Rock, the left is already salivating and ready to ape shit over that.

  3. The line that reads “No refuge could save the hireling and slave
    From the terror of flight, or the gloom of the grave:” was refering to the mercinaries (hirelings) hired by the British Crown, and the British soldiers loyal to the Crown (slaves).

  4. Um. No.
    First sporting event without it will result in real Americans singing it anyway. Right now we kind of mumble it behind whomever is performing it.

    Just think. It might be great to keep these urban toddlers from screwing up the anthem and let the people belt it out as it should be sung.

  5. Possible parallel (NOT replacement) anthems for the antifa / left-collectivist / snowflake mob:

    Revolution #9 (The Beatles and Yucko Ono)
    4’33” (John Cage)
    They’re Coming to Take Me Away, Ha-Haaa! (Jerry Samuels)
    The End (The Doors, Jim Morrison)

    Any other ideas? Contest, maybe?

  6. Chanting “No USA at all!” is outright anarchy, the songs, statues, national monuments, constitution, history, are all just parts of it. We know how to handle anarchy, it’s been the end game for many of us the past decade plus. Check your food, ammo, basic materials, and training. It’s going to require a few standoffs to stop this nonsense, hopefully it’s not you, but if you are in the cross hairs it’s because you were prepared to make a difference and I wish the best of luck to you and your family.

  7. “It will never end, because the end game is not going to happen for these morons.
    They will not stop until the United States is dismantled… ”

    BINGO!!!! … time to wake up & smell the butt-funk they’ve been selling as roses, People!!!!

  8. When they weakened, interpreted and ignored the Constitution nobody cared.
    When they took God and the pledge of Allegiance out of Public Schools nobody cared.
    When they attacked Christians nobody cared.
    When they increased our National Debt, nobody cared
    When they desecrated Southern heritage, traditions and monuments to fallen Americans nobody cared.
    When they rioted and looted in the streets, nobody cared.
    When they opened our borders to rapists, terrorists and illegal immigrants nobody cared.
    When National Security was breached, justice obstructed and justice ignored, nobody cared.
    When Federal agencies became armed to the teeth, nobody cared.
    When the Government gave $100s of Billions of dollars to Iran and terrorists nobody cared.
    When federal agencies were used as weapons against legal citizens, nobody cared.
    Now they are attempting to rid our nation of The National Anthem and any National Pride.

    We now have a President who listens to US citizens, has an agenda to Make America Great Again and the GOP & Democrat Congressional/Senate delegations don’t care.

    I deplore, BLM, Antifa, Nazis, Anarchists, skin heads, KKK, socialists, Marxists, Progressives and Communists and what they all stand for and stand against.
    However, I am appalled that the methods of violence they presently employ are becoming more appealing to me.

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