Now Never-Trumper Erick Erickson Supports Trump?? – IOTW Report

Now Never-Trumper Erick Erickson Supports Trump??

What a convoluted friggin’ mess these Never-Trumpers are.

Suddenly, Trump’s opposition is too far left, and that is reason to support Trump now.

I seem to remember these assholes saying in 2016 that it would be better to vote in far left Hillary so that they could get back to “actual conservatism” after Trump was defeated.

Am I misremembering? I seem to recall them saying they would rather see Sanders than Trump, because the choice isn’t binary or some dumphuck reasoning.

But, they are onboard now!!!


12 Comments on Now Never-Trumper Erick Erickson Supports Trump??

  1. Up until late 2018, this clown was still waiting hopefully for the Pee Tape to appear, In January of last year, he was actually concerned that bullshit in a Buzzfeed story about Michael Cohen was true. He has a track record of being incorrect about almost everything he predicts. Continue keeping him at social distance, PDT. He’s non-essential.

  2. Last week The ghost of General, etc., and I were having a discussion that included #NeverTrumpers and why I don’t trust anyone who was either #NT or mildly #NT. He asked me some of the people I do trust to give insight and information and one of the people I trust to be objective is Larry Arnn. I remembered a debate Arnn had with Jonah Goldberg and one of the Poly Sci professor, John Marini. This was before the ’16 election, about “Trump and Conservatism.” The question was “is Trump conservative enough?”I couldn’t stand listening to Goldberg at all because he was so childish in his remarks — very sarcastic and snarky with Arnn and the audience. Goldberg and Erickson: cut from the same cloth. If you want to know how very ignorant #NT is, here’s the debate video:

    It is worth listening to, though, because Arnn and Marini make their case in favor of Trump.

  3. This is not about supporting or not supporting Trump; that is just the cover story. The real story is The Lincoln Project and how these guys have come up with a scam to part fools from their money.

    “Never Trump Grifters Fully Expose Themselves With Latest Gambit”

    “One of the best aspects of Trump’s presidency has been his penchant for flushing out the absolute grifters who formerly ruled the Republican party. These were the beltway opportunists who held no actual convictions, especially in regards to social conservatism, but fancied themselves experts at everything while doing nothing but failing most of their career. They got the cushy cable news gigs and supposedly had all the answers.

    Except they didn’t and Trump’s election ripped off the mask. Without the marks in government to give them jobs, they had to find a new con to pay the bills. That new con, for at least a portion of these Never Trumpers, was something called the Lincoln Project. Bill Kristol, Rick Wilson, George Conway, and a myriad of other lobbyists and campaign consultants (who never seem to have worked on a winning campaign) are involved.”


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