Now Progs Are Blocking the Right From Participating in Culture – IOTW Report

Now Progs Are Blocking the Right From Participating in Culture

Dennis Prager-

Most Americans are at least somewhat aware of what is happening at American (and European) universities with regard to conservative speakers. Universities disinvite conservative speakers, never invite them or allow the violent (or threatened violent) prevention of them. No non-left-wing idea should be permitted on campus.

But we may have hit a new low.

Let me explain.

For years, I have been conducting symphony orchestras in Southern California. I have conducted the Brentwood-Westwood, Glendale and West Los Angeles Symphony Orchestras, the Pasadena Lyric Opera and the Los Angeles Philharmonic at the Hollywood Bowl. I have studied classical music since high school, when I first began playing piano and studying orchestral scores.

I conduct orchestras because I love making music. But I also do so because I want to help raise funds for local orchestras (I have never been paid to conduct) and I want to expose as many people to classical music as possible.

After I conduct a symphony, I then conduct select parts of the piece in order to show the audience what various sections of the orchestra are doing. After that, I walk around the orchestra with a microphone and interview some of the musicians. Everyone seems to love it.

After intermission, the permanent and professional conductor conducts his orchestra in another symphony.

About half a year ago, the conductor of the Santa Monica Symphony Orchestra, Guido Lamell, who is also a longtime member of the violin section of the Los Angeles Philharmonic, asked me whether I would be interested in conducting his orchestra. I said yes even before he added the punchline — at the Walt Disney Concert Hall.

For those not up to date on concert halls, the Walt Disney Concert Hall, which opened less than 15 years ago, is one of the preeminent concert halls of the world. Being invited to conduct a superb orchestra at that hall is one of the great honors of my life.

However, about a month ago, a few members of the orchestra, supported by some Santa Monica city officials, decided to lead a campaign to have me disinvited.

As I said, this is a new low for the illiberal left: It is not enough to prevent conservatives from speaking; it is now necessary to prevent conservatives from appearing even when not speaking. Conservatives should not even be allowed to make music.

To its great credit, the board of directors of the orchestra, composed of individuals of all political outlooks, has completely stood by its conductor and his invitation to me.

But the attempt to cancel me continues. It is being organized by three members of the orchestra, each of whom has refused to play that night. Readers will not be surprised to learn that two of the three organizers are college professors. Michael Chwe is a professor of political science at UCLA, and Andrew Apter is a professor of history at UCLA.

In an open letter to the symphony’s members posted on the Slipped Disc website, the three wrote, “A concert with Dennis Prager would normalize hatred and bigotry.”


ht/ all too much

9 Comments on Now Progs Are Blocking the Right From Participating in Culture

  1. Just like a country with Donald Trump as President will harm unborn babies, throw grandmas over the cliff, refuse equal rights to women and minorities, oppress immigrants, and generally destroy civil rights to all black people by ensuring they never vote again.

    Isn’t it always interesting that it is those who claim to be tolerant are usually the least tolerant of others?

    We’ve seen this story over and over again and we need to stand up to these bullies.

    Why would, for example, I ever want to patronize an organization whose members are seemingly against everything I stand for and believe in and keep telling me so? Isn’t it better to not know these things by having them keep their bigoted mouths shut because what they believe is not germane to how they play a musical score?

    Or should we vet everyone into this or that group based on a test of values? Oh that would be prejudicial wouldn’t it?

  2. When a Prog can’t offer up a reasonable discussion, their inner 5 year-old comes out, throws a tantrum and stomps on his toys!

    While on the other hand, their idea of real performance art is probably someone who can play a clarinet with their anus and a mouth organ at the same time!

  3. There should be a way to organize and give it right back to them and see how like it. Refuse them at drivethru’s, fast food counters etc. See if they like it when asking why they are told because they’re irksome douche bags.

  4. If there is anything that exudes a more fœtid reek of melanin challenged patriarchy than a symphony orchestra, it can only be the stench bottled in a building custom designed and constructed for the performance of such an abomination.

    And, still, they persisted.

  5. I would think that most of the money donated to orchestra’s such as this is actually coming from conservatives. Liberals are notorius for being cheap when donating to charities or these sorts of things. Prager should get a list of the big donors and make sure they are contacted by lots of followers to let them know that the left are now trying to censure any conservative regardless of the activity. A few calls from the big check writers to the board of this orchestra would likely firm up their spines as well as send a message to the musicians themselves. Maybe those three that refuse to play would have a change of heart or of profession. Whatever.

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